The Password is Taco

What hurts the most is knowing that some people never played ICO and as such only scratched the surface of understanding how truly brutal the end of SOTC was

Oh my gosh it's princess Kenny!

It's was a great console and the oldest piece of electronics still plugged in at my house. I would argue that it was the greatest console of all time for fighting game fans (even more so than neo geo)

Agreed. Hoping Berlin increases the scale of the battles

Fallout Tactics 2- let's do this people.

My Boston also hijacked my sad attempts to photograph mine

I have a hard time imaging how people who clearly have had their entire week ruined by a simple "yes" on a website manage to function in the real world.

Excited to see what resolution the review will be displayed in. It is the most important thing.

I agree no one is playing sonic. I think you're underestimating the others. But name one ps4 (or Xbox one) launch game that people will even remember in 10 years. Everyone claims that launches are always terrible so it's acceptable that all the games are mediocre- it's not true and is a phenomenon that only occurred

Sonic adventure is the only one of the four I listed people probably aren't still playing.

One of the greatest fighting games of all time (soul caliber), one of the most entertaining fighting games of all time (power stone), one of the greatest sports game of all time (nfl 2k) and one of the definitive games historically when it comes to showing off next-gen graphics (sonic adventure). The ps4 launch

brace yourself for disappointment, dawg.

Please add Wobble-ocity to all future console-comparing infographics

But you guys- I have nothing of value in my life and need extreme emotions to validate my own existence!!!

Annnnnnd... it's gone.

Radiata stories did something similar as well where you actually choose a side and it changes a huge chunk of the plot

The Yawhg - Randomly Generated Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Game

: (

But spuds