The Password is Taco

aren't arguments like this a reason why this is kind of an awesome ending? it's not some goody two shoe everyone gets a puppy bull crap no matter what you do.


so excited to not buy this at all.

i think the point of the article is not so much "you shouldnt ever be upset about a review" and more "hey let's not all shit ourselves whenever we are mildly inconvenienced".

behold! the power of math!

can we define the word famous please? apparently my understanding of the term is incorrect.

sexy stuff!

you mean besides system shock 2?

because its all about meeeeeeee, dog.

crap. i totally forgot about asshole dog.

or maybe just say yes? i'm not sure exactly.

just say no to drugs

ha. needs a player hater

*small bow*

the most delicious part

no hammers yet? i demand more hammers.

apologies if someone beat me to this- didnt see one below.

if everyone on xbox live had to speak in colonial fashion, i'd play it for days.

the struggles of this profession have been justified if it means i get a promote on kotaku. haha. always great to run into another designer.

true- but the market share for that is depressingly small. probably only slightly larger than the market share that cares about the artistic merit of their building. efficiency in buildings in a sim city simulation would probably have to be handled at a regulatory level- i.e. increasing costs of development to allow