
It sounds that way because it is that way. People are universally the worst, including myself. Unless I already know you, of course. There’s a chicken-and-egg math problem in there somewhere but the new social dynamic didn’t happen without cause.

Along these lines, remember what it was like to schedule appointments before cell phones? People showed on time!! Because you would talk on the phone and say “I will meet you at 5 at the mall”. And they showed up, because they knew once you were out, you were out and they couldn’t cancel via text 10 mins after you

How did people plan road trips before the internet? How would you know where you should stop if there was no Yelp to recommend it?”

Do the youths really not know what maps and atlases and guidebooks are anymore?

Outside of that, you used to ask people - people at hotels, gas stations, anywhere, really - for

Fruits Basket is literally the one ‘nerdy’ thing my wife has ever been into. For her birthday, I tracked down all 23 original volumes of the manga, put them in a wicker basket and put fruit everywhere, and made a “fruits basket basket”. I didn’t know about this, but I’ll very likely be purchasing a blu-ray of this

“I find your skills lacking and wonder if your time would be better served trying to study anatomy so that you can tell your cranium from your posterior." 

Dunkaroos and despair.

There is nothing in the goddamned world like the absolute fragility of folks who occupy majority (race/ethnicity/sex/sexual orientation/religious affiliation) status feeling like they might have to share the pie they’ve previously had 99% of.

Think about this for just a moment: Every time someone screams about “SJWs,”

I made those last 2 up

Ok, I'll give you Bike Bike, and Jesus Dinner: Legends, but Yuppie Psycho is a great title. 

Ding Dong XL cracked me up. 

(discounting that time travel fundamentally makes no sense) I’m just curious as to how one person stops a form of international commerce without altering history so drastically that they return to anything like a recognizable present.

Were most of these titles created by a bot? I mean just look at these gems:

Someone explained to me that in NY there are elevators in taller apartment buildings where they had a sabbath mode. The program switches to automatically go floor to floor with no button control. Great for those that observe, hell for those that don’t.

It doesn’t feature professional fashion people, but Crymetina Critiques scratches a similar itch, I feel.

I’m a long time fan, sub, supporter, and an active member of effect’s community since 2016. It’s not the game that led Effect to be depressed and suicidal. Effect has been in poor mental health since he was young, but Overwatch, which he was talented at, was an escape from such reality. He was a music student since

I feel the same way. It’s disappointing that we won’t get to see these guys play anymore, but I’d hate it if E-sports fans became as overly demanding as fans of traditional sports like football or soccer, where they want the players to keep playing even if they’re hurt.

+1 for making me laugh.

I teach effective team strategies in the context of an introductory composition course, and this article is a case study of how to mess up a team project. There is so much to highlight, but I want to sit with the first point where I thought, “You’re up the creek without a paddle”:

Chicken pot pies are not bullshit. Sure, if you spent $5 on a Marie Callender one that takes an hour to bake, la de dah mister moneybags, but the real trick here is to get the Banquet chicken pot pies, you know, the ones in the red box that are five for five bucks if not cheaper.

Justine: At first I want sure if he’d gone OTT on the guyliner, but then I realised they were stuck-on shades. So that was that. 3/10