
Surely the amount of creme in normal Oreo Thins (by grams) is somewhere on the Internet

(searches Internet)

What if you spread the frosting reeeeeeeeeeeeally thin?

My nerd economist father would totally high five you right now if he wasn’t such a nerd

I’m on console (last gen xbox one), so I’m bewildered by how shenanigans with the minimized window could cause such problems. That’s wild, man

I think Zack’s review was fair. I put a couple of hours in B4B (thank you Game Pass) and the game didn’t stick with me. My overall gripe is that the two main systems that allow me to influence the game world (cards and guns) feel like they’re out of my control.

I don’t feel like I can create a build or customize my

It’s not a lake.

What a beautiful, optimistic, and comforting thought! This is a sentence that’s going to stick with me for a while

Food abbreviations are annoying, but harmless.

I know this is unrelated, but booooooy am I glad Bungie left Activision a couple of years ago

I hope this doesn’t end up as a flash in the pan like Evolve, the other game that Turtle Rock Studios released a few years ago. 

young me would be delighted to try this monstrosity.

This sounds like you created a homemade version of 4Loko.

So this is basically “owning the libs”, but for righties, correct?

I went “awwww” after I read your comment. Very wholesome! 

This piece of hard hitting reporting is why I visit Kotaku several times a day

My wishlist for the movie:

I found that maxing out your Lift ability made the combat trivial, especially if you stack the energy regeneration mods.

Now playing

Hopefully the sequel’s soundtrack is just as good as the original’s.

I was shocked when I first saw the banner image of all of those gaming magazines. I thought, “Goodness, I didn’t realize so many were still going!”

OH MY GOD. Dude. There’s nothing better than the taste of Diet Coke with fresh lemon and lime juice in there. I used to drink literal gallons of this combination, but eventually kicked the habit to avoid having a heart attack at 30.