The Other Kardashian

It rubbed me the wrong way when I read an article where the author talked about her year of not reading white men. If you notice your reading tastes go one way and you want to try reading books by different authors from other backgrounds, I can understand that. Saying you’re not going to read an author because of

Do you think these two are like ... frothingly mad beyond all reason? Like, in-house counsel told them “You don’t want to do this” and they were like “Damn the torpedoes; ruin those peasants” or some suchlike?

Also, the prop styling in that photo is bizarre. Champagne and a basket of whole, raw eggplant? I do not believe this was a planned shot.

The entire post is filled with references to Black, American civil rights leaders, yet not one mention of any injustices perpetrated in an African tribe or leaders from those tribes. We both know those exist, so why fill a whole post on American history instead of actually talking about the individuals in question?

Yeah, the band she was in for like, two practices, then asked to leave.

Exactly. So many people eat compulsively and don’t realize it. So many people use food as comfort or because they’re anxious or bored and don’t realize it. And then come summer and they want a bikini body in two months, or they starve right before a big event like a wedding. It just doesn’t work that way. What you do

I was 100% convinced it was a time stamp on film. Then I realized it’s all digital and stuff and that those don’t really exist anymore.

She’s the Trump of comedians, which makes sense, because he’s the comedian of presidential candidates.

I remember a similar thing that didn’t end so well. An acquaintance, while a bunch of people were getting high together at his place, bragged at length that he could catch anything anyone threw at him with great rapidity and would never get hit, his reflexes were so incredible.

Just curious, why do you think it’s unfair to mention it? I think it’s interesting that the default position is that every show must be racially diverse, no matter the content or aesthetics of the show. I think leveling that criticism against specific shows as opposed to assessing the performance of the entire

To be fair, she didn’t say she made the pies. I think it’s safe to assume it was the monkey bread that was the result of testing herself and seeing what she could accomplish. A lesser person might’ve failed at cracking open the can of refrigerator biscuits or been overwhelmed by the cutting of the biscuits into

How old are her children? I think one is at least thirteen. She could have known her kid.

I’m seriously not trying to be an asshole, although this will probably seem like it, but who wants to have sex with someone that wears a diaper? I mean...

Not to worry. They'll be another talentless blond faux artist appearing next week hyped as the next big thing.

I’ve met Celine a few times and she is the most nerd goofy lady ever. Like sophomore theater kid levels of ADHD don’t give a fuck.

Now playing

This is the only thing you ever need to watch - one of my favorite things on the internet:

It’s just opinions, so we can disagree, right? I have to say my opinion of her is very un-biased because this: Several months ago (or maybe even a year, time flies!) I was flipping through my issue of Vogue, and I usually admire the models, covet their hair, makeup, see what I could do differently to look more like

I think she looks like an ANTM contestant. Baaaaaaasssssiiiiiccc.

I wonder how much detail you can be contractually obligated to share?

I’m reminded of the one football player who was so pissed off by the media that he just started giving one word answers to everything.

There’s a lot of great personal growth in tonight’s DB.