
So pretty.

This is me, too. :-(

Apologies for the ginormous size. Our sweetie, recently mending. Dogs are the best people.

Perfect. All of your post wins the internet.

I'll never forget their endless attacks (loudly proclaimed by their patron saint Limbaugh) of Amy Clinton—attacking a child. Despicable.

Her god-phone must have a terrible connection.

This gif is fabulous.

Apparently she does know what a bar floozy looks like (previously seen above).

Thank you fro sharing...bwa hahahahaa

Haaaa! NAILED IT with this gif.

He's just great. I sincerely hope that he never loses his edge.

I'm compelled to this, a thank you to the Oklahoma Knitting community.

This says it all.

Yoga saved my back. My hips. My sanity.

WTF has she had done to her face? Ferchrissakes, get Oprah's plastic surgeon on the line if you feel that you need shit done. At least O's doctor isn't butchering her flesh. She looks awful.
Perhaps Madonna has a problem with aging because she seems to need constant attention, and thinks appearing young will help her

Yes to all of this, a thousand times yes.

Baby's first Illustrator program.

Thanks Bro!

She seems very down to earth. And she really is a talented young lady—she certainly was the glue that held that Disney show-within-a-show together—after her leaving, no amount of saving worked, and the other cast members completely floundered. I think that speaks volumes to her abilities. She was fun and funny on