
I agree—I think he's really good. I won't hate on him for being attractive, he at least doesn't just rest on that. He and Clooney always seem very amenable to taking on interesting, varied roles. It's probably why I can't full-on hate Charlize Theron, either. :-)
And totally agree re: that 'stache (as I mention in

YES! The douchestache is too porny. Although I have friends who would swoon over it. :-)
I suppose my problem is I was around in the 70's when this was The Thing. And yes, I admit, I found it attractive then. But now? That ship has sailed haaaaa

I have use for this image far too often. Siiiigh.

Thumbs up, way up for this one.

That should be the Republican ticket in 2016.

I hear you. Bottom of the barrel, impoverished, addicted, mentally troubled white people culture is the perfect way to describe it. I have seen it in full action, and they seem to be (more often than not) complete racists, which I can't square. For example, they'll complain about "lazy Welfare Queens"—but only if

I asked a friend about the show once. Her message to me:
One of the best, funniest and truthful IMs I've ever received. :-)

Seriously. They make MTV look like the 700 Club.

Don't you know? Only whores do that! Liberal whores!

In the words of one of their heroes, All of them, Katie.

Don't forget—
That Obama has unleashed Ebola on us in order to kill us off for Allah.
That every black person is threatening to steal your 187" teevee and kidnap your daughters, so shoot first and ask questions later.
That people are coming over the border to take away that job that you so wanted cleaning bathrooms at

YES TO THIS. A thousand times over!

Those Betty Ford style republicans are on the endangered list, replaced by a bunch of clueless, greed-infused, evangelical sorority breedingbots. And that's a damn shame.

"Because I am unhelpful and like to make things up:"
I love this sentence. Love love love it. Thank you for it. I may use it in conversation, but will always give full attribution. :-)

Silly girls! Gettin' all hysterical over nothing!

"and you can give them Gospel tracts and tell the story of how every ghost, goblin, witch and demon was trounced the day Jesus rose from the grave. "
Well, now everyone knows not to stop by Kirk's house trick-or-treating.

That phrase is instant admission into asshole-land. People defending her is odd, IMO.

I would insert a clappy gif here if I had one easily in reach. :-)

Apparently we're not allowed to feel that way anymore, lest we be accused of 'slut shaming' by suggesting it's tacky and rude.

Always with the lemon face. ALWAYS.
Well, not anymore, I suppose.