
Robin Wright with a dollop of Daryl Hannah's old face (before she mucked hers up).

I know. So easy on the eyes, yet soooo stupid. Ah well, this is in keeping with his ads for that fuglymobile for Lincoln.
Jennifer Garner said it so well—just pitch perfect. BRAVO.


A million stars for you.

They probably need Stacey London and Clinton Kelly to drop by and school them on how to suggest flattering clothing for the body you have (which is YOUR BODY AND IS JUST FINE). I really miss those two.

With you there. How dare we have fulfilling lives! Isn't it against the law if you're over a size 4?

I fucking hate people who shame other folk's —especially strangers—food choices. Who the hell does that? Who taught them that that is acceptable behavior?
There was a guy I worked with who did this to everyone in the office. It's off the scale in terms of smug douchiness.

I was a natural blonde until my late 40s. Now it's some horrid mousy brown with flecks of gray. If it went all gray I would LOVE it. If it were a pretty brown, fine. But since it hasn't gone either of those routes, hello Loreal.
I never knew it was a grow-out-of type of thing—the more you know!

Cuffed culottes for ample thighed gals?

Those people in the preview—ugh, could they be any more shallow.

I have the '63/'64 era Barbie (referred to as bubbletop or something?) and Ken with his crewcut that I always thought made him a bit of a tool, haaa. I had that same plastic box/closet mom made tons of clothes for them both, and I loved shoving all the stuff in those drawers. OLDS REPRESENT.

Ugh. This Barbie looks like people at work. Blech.

I regret the mysterious loss of my GI Joe's from the 60s, but I have kept my Johnny West and Sam Cobra dolls in a place of honor (with Johnny's horse, naturally). Occasionally I scan the Geronimo selection on eBay, but so far have not succumbed to buying the One I Always Wanted But Never Had. My Barbie and Ken (60's

With you there! Tinker toys! Do they still make them?

Yeah, the one great thing about Barbie was that She Can Be Anything!! mantra they promoted. I was an avid tomboy, I never played with 'traditional' girl dolls (Betsy Wetsy, Lil Orphan Annie, creepy eyes-open-when-you-move-the-head dolls from the 60's), but I still loved my Barbie because, fuck yeah, she could be

Oh those science kits. They were the best-and they always included gunpowder! haaaa

That's the one I recall—I was babysitting a gal who HAD IT ALL. I was so envious! It really was gigantic. Possibly the inspiration for the McMansion?
I refer to all lovely homes that I will never live in but would love to as my 'Barbie Dream Homes'.
Someday, house on Brightwood, someday...siiiiigh

Somewhere in the ether, my chemist dad (who was awesome) is laughing his ass off in agreement. I hear you-I'm all for keeping mystery compounds off and out of my body, but the Oh it only works if it's super-expensive cosmetics BS is maddening.
Water, some cocoa creme, and sleep when I can get it seem to work best for

HEE! I'm hearing this in Morticia Addams' voice (probably the Angelica Huston version, although Carolyn Jones' would be perfect, too)...

Most nurses I know are smarter than the damn doctors, they're not naive innocents. And really, most of them are super cynical about the medical profession, so I can't help thinking that she was too caught up in her 'must be perfect' wedding BS and threw caution to the wind.
But yeah—the CDC and that idiotic fever