
I read it more to being rage at the endless array of women who get so much surgery that they all start looking the same—-giant lips, eyes too tight, completely unlined plastic forehead, and that Joan Rivers/MJ nose. A glance at any of those 'Real Housewives...' crap shows is a good example of the work.
It's sad that

Yes indeed to this! Ugh, the women I know with the endless FB posts re: how terribly harrrrrd it all is—I beg them all, please, just stop it. If all you can do is complain endlessly about being a mommy, perhaps you should have thought about that before you decide to have kids. Like many jobs, no shit it's hard. Get

Oh we GALS. So emotional!

OMG too fucking perfect. JOAN HAS SPOKEN.

I'm Italian and can vouch for this, too.

Is your friend's dad in Floriduh? Because IMO they have incompetent healthcare down to a science.

I'm still waiting on the universe to scoop up The Dick Cheney, so I won't hold my breath. :-(

It really is a great commercial.

Yes to this. She nailed it in that book.

I was in a band with a guy who always played the Devil's Advocate. Gawd I hated him. Just stop it. STOP IT.

OMG I have worked for this woman. For a couple of women like that, over the years.
I will have to remember your response and use it. :-)

This is my go-to for moments like this.

Amanda Taylor's story sounds like she was waiting on an old Italian. They really love ruining steak by cooking it to death (I can say this as it's part of my heritage). The iced cheap-ass wine is a Sicilian thing. Both are horrible.
And I have no answer for the bowl 'o' bleu. LOL

Hands down, they have the most awesome state flag.

Christmas. The time of year when my mom's worst qualities were and are amped up beyond all imagining. Yep, pretty much hate it. In fact, my favorite xmas memory is all of us at midnight mass (because Mother Insists), and my Dad turning to my hub and I at that stupid handshake moment, saying "Happy Nothing!" to us with

Yay! I feel the same way. Never, ever liked dress up. UGH. I wore the same costume (Sylvester the Cat) through my youth, because, CANDY. Everyone always assumes that art-trade-school me would be totally into Hallowe'en, Just no.

Good gawd I miss the sweet corn of my youth. This crap in the Northeast just ain't it.

I grew up in DelMarVa and never had a crab pretzel. OMFG some of my favorite food items (crab, pretzel, Old Bay) in one package! I MUST HAVE THIS, STAT.