
This is just fabulous: "I am assuming he got her a block of reclaimed wood shaped like a memory and she got him a $45 spoon."
Aand ughhhh, John Mayer. Such an immensely talented guitar player, but good gawd, what a classic Fairfield turd-boy (I can't hate him completely though, since his first single pretty much summed

I really need to remind myself to never, ever read these in the hell-office, because the laughter that ensues is followed by laugh-tears and I have to muffle all sound (because, HELL-OFFICE) and I nearly choke and I...
Well, let's just say, another hysterical review of those mags I never read. As always, thank you for


He has always been a standup guy, approachable, straightforward. Something in short supply in DC.

This is my new favorite gif. LOL

Oh Crazy Uncle Joe. I have loved you since you first shook my 8? 10? year old hand at the Dem Headquarters in Wilmington. :-)

Haaa! Exactly!
That type of nonsense really does lead me to days/weeks where I just try to avoid the Jezebel feeds. :-)

OMG I love mine. But that new one is awfully pretty.
Topless forever! :-)

I'm not a football fan in the least, but I've been less interested in MLB the last few seasons due to the ridiculous juicing crap (and the even more insane salaries/ticket prices in my area). I end up watching old games or local teams to much more satisfaction.

I hear you—I still recall people proudly sporting their

I think they were meant for everyone as cautionary tales.. This was back before the idea that children and people in their teens were considered separate entities from adults. The idea of the teenager didn't exist until @1950. Young people were just young adults, and I believe they weren't spared from the darker

To which they have every right. They created the specific versions of the characters, heaven knows they made them more family friendly (by example, does anyone recall that the Little Mermaid dies in the original text?), they paid all those artists and musicians and writers to create these landscapes.
I know it's

Specifically the Jez site, which I like, but, god forbid you suggest that perhaps putting nude pics up is a dumb idea, and oooh boy, prepare for the onslaught of "It's my body I can do what I want without any repercussions ever, fuck you old lady you must be frigid" replies. LOL

I didn't want to mention that the pics were pretty badly executed—like something a 14 year old girl would do—I didn't want to deal with some of the contingent that posts there, who seem humorless and always in Argument Mode.
Yes, all cartoons are evil and scary and omg they'll ruin your life. OMG RUUUUN.
Clearly some

All that sweet, sweet coin. Can't risk losing that.

YES INDEED to this.

HAAAA! With you there. I still love bootcut, I have curves, and I look AWFUL in skinny jeans (long waisted, athletic thighs & cankles). Team Bootcuts all the way.

There is/was a similar house in Atlantic City, but I never knew the backstory. Barry Martin sounds like a very nice guy. And if he happens to make a little money now from all of this, why not? He was there for her in the most important ways—spending time with her, helping her out.
Nice story, thanks for this.

People who enjoy driving buy the Miata, not people looking to show off just how in tune they are with their feminine side. In fact, there are precisely zero people in the world who bought a car for that reason in the last... ever.

I have a friend who experienced a similar situation. Honestly, she's not into you. LET IT GO already.
WTF? Can't these assclowns just hire an expensive escort?

YES to this!