
I am so sorry to hear that your husband passed.
I hear you, I don't know what I would do if I had to contemplate the dating scene all these years later. UGH. I suspect I would probably just avoid it entirely and gather up more dogs—-crazy dog lady on line one.
All the best to you.

I'm probably a few digits older than you and was thinking the same thing. I wonder if it is due to the (perceived) anonymity of it all. Along with the general coarsening of society...

I so want to visit your DQ. Swirl soft cone with chocolate dip AND CHANDELIERS. How can life get any better? :-D

I used to work for a scifi publishing house, and the forums would devolve quickly to this crap with depressing regularity. I have noticed that they eventually closed down the forums completely, which is a shame, because there were some great and interesting threads, and writers of some reknown would even frequent

You have entered my workplace apparently. The people who feel that there are 'people who do that' when it comes to say, cleaning up after themselves in the kitchenette or the bathroom. Because, wow, do you know how much they make? They're captains of industry! They can't be wiping up their own messes! They can't take

Whhaaaaaaat? How is that possible, if wimmenfolk is in the kitchen and birthin' babies?

That was exactly my impression. All those kids at 5ks, in the kiddie race, where they all (girls and boys) wore race bibs with #1 on them. THEY'RE ALL WINNERS.
The entitlement mantra. Pathetic when anyone throws it down.

You are not alone. :-)

It's so hard NOT to do that. LOL
I try to zip it whenever some random teen tries to school me on the awesomeness of the Ramones or the Rolling Stones or whatever.


I hear you. It was very sweet and funny. Not a Katy fan particularly, but she obviously has a sense of humor. :-)

The commentary is hilarious. These shrimp are fucking frightening!

The Navy response is pitch perfect. Someone is getting it. FINALLY.
Well done, my favorite military branch, well done.

Haaa! This was ALL THE RAGE when I was in young.

I'm just glad that men with wrists larger than mine will be back in favor. Despite my punk years, I never was into the skinny tall waify boy look, preferring the male gymnast/ballet dancer build (short, muscular). This new trend will be easy on the eyes, certainly. :-)

Exactly this. Manara is expertly skilled, but I tire of his always pout-faced, always 'at the ready' sleepy-eyed representations of women.
I always was more of a Moebius fanatic anyway, with all his crystals and androgynous giant-hat-adorned oddities. :-)

I'm another person who doesn't care for her music. But wow, what a lovely and caring young woman. That's a load of awesome insight that I think we should all remember in moments when the bastards try to keep us down (because as she mentions—it never, ever stops).
I've had a serious change of heart in regards to her.

Thanks for this. Gene Kelly...SWOON.

Yeah, I agree-I always figure that if we 'mere mortals' get crap, her Publicist may be on a mission to keep her from saying anything that might hint at a child-free existence. Good gawd, it would be a shitstorm.
BTW, I just want to give this thread a collective hug, especially since I caught about 15 minutes of that

Haaa: Awful Barren Childless Wastes