
Oh this shade-throwing Prince is priceless.

Sounds like the typical police response I've encountered over the years. Sigh.

"But most women, especially feminists, claim that they didn't really consider such things until they went to their first gender studies class. "

Yeah! We're framed to 'take care of children'...meaning we are built to, say, run after a kid sticking a pea up it's nose? Is that what you're saying?

After we saw 7123617861761638 commercials for TFIOS the other day, my husband turned to me and said "It sounds just like Love Story", which is exactly what I was thinking. Bwa! You nailed our impression.

I never saw that movie and went and checked out the Wiki page (which naturally gives away the entire story). I'm with you. Oh my god, no, just no. Thanks for the warning—I cry at everything but most especially for animals (and most most especially for dogs).

We do the exact same thing-Ziplock that bad boy and throw it in. Works every time!

We do the same—on the door. The bread stays pretty darn fresh. And while it may not be super-warm-and-tasty-from-the-oven-delicious, it's just fine and I'm not throwing away food because I let it mold over. Seems like an honest and liveable 'tradeoff' to me.

Like picking up your dog's poop. Just do it, and don't ruin things for everyone.

Count me in, and yes. I do not envy the obstacle course that young women have to face at this point. And it saddens me to even refer to it in that way. I thought by this point we'd have all evolved. Silly me.

I'm never disappointed watching a baseball game. At one point, they ALWAYS have a shot of some hot looking babe (ideally, wearing a tank top and no bra) leaning forward/eating a hot dog/etc. Sigh.
O/T a bit—that part of San Francisco around that beach is gorgeous. So envious!

OMG liverwurst-the best wurst.

Lucas, ugh. Those stupid Teddy Bears and the insufferable Jar-Jar Binks character ended it for me lo those many years ago.

I loved Odo.

OMG he really comes across like trust fund baby musician. UGH what an asshole. Besides the fact that he couldn't fucking sing.

Ah! The wooden spoon. With ya there.

I swung my trombone case around at an asshole in 6th grade who grabbed my awesome-cool-orange-plasticy coat and ripped it (trying to get me to pay attention to him or something) and I slammed him in the stomach with it. He cried and ran, dumb bully. The principal gave my shit the next day.
Years later on the train

I know a guy who broke his ankle surfing at a Bad Brains show back in the old days. So, no—you're not weird.

I was thinking her sputterings were Leno-worthy, too. Can we shoot them both into the sun?

This is a wonderful idea. I'll bring the popcorn.