
Honestly, she was amusing to a degree a million years ago, but this 'The Vacs gave my kid Autism' attention-grab is despicable.
I know someone who was acquainted with her and he was shilling for her Autism/AntiVaccination stance at one time on FB. I couldn't click 'IGNORE' fast enough.

The latter. Add musicians to that mix. Because it seems like all the young ones are livin' on that sweet sweet trust fund coin. And trying to act all street and slumming. Sigh.

In my world the Dream Job is Vanna's.
Seriously. She (now) just touches the letters and she has enough time to crochet and collect $$ for her yarn line (which I like, I admit it). The only downside is having to work with douchey Pat Sajak.

Old Navy Disposable Clothes! It's their thing.

I never trust anyone who didn't find her funny. DO NOT TRUST.

Yes! I always use butter, and some pseudo-healthy-eater types I know POOH POOH it (and it's organic farm butter, for crying out loud). They also use those fake sugar crap substitutes, so there's that.

Dad always had Scrapple or head cheese in the ever-bulging deli drawer in the fridge. Oh, those processed meats. They eventually were his downfall, but he was awesome and so were his sandwiches. :-)

That's hilarious. And spot-on.

THANK YOU, I still bring this image to mind when people mention hot dogs (even though I still have one every Summer so SHUT UPPPP). Sadly, many people don't remember this and think I made it up. PROOF!

That is a fabulous gif.

The shoemaker's children syndrome!

I have Corian and love it, actually. No need to refinish every few years, weight-specific for a 90+ year old Montgomery-Ward styled home, and befitting a neighborhood that, while awesome, granite is not going to get you any extra $$ at selling time.

Yup. Back in olden tymes, we had our agent send us faxes of the listings and we told him what we wanted to see. Zillow is the updated, even better version of that. Worked like a charm in both instances.

"It was like watching footage of people boarding the Titanic."

Perhaps....Canada. Snow. Active lifestyles (requiring gear). Mudroom.

'Mood faced idiot' is so perfect. He is the worst part of the show. Just STFU, Kevin. Wasn't there a guy with glasses as the original host? I liked him much more (or hated him less).

Yes! I would bet that whoever was lead on character development for Tangled used one of them as inspiration.

I swear, it's the Texans, always complaining about how small everything is compared to their 40,000 sq ft house. UGH. STAY IN TEXAS, NEANDERTHALS.

I know—I am amazed at how just plain dirty some of those homes are. GAH! Get the vacuum out for chrissakes!

The big problem with these shows is we've noticed folks in the neighborhood and friends getting inspired to do these types of 'improvements' themselves—always knocking out a wall that is undoubtedly load-bearing, not addressing it, but doing all the pretty things on top of the now-compromised structure.
Sure, they'll