

I commend you for that. WTF
There's the old line about 'lying back and enjoying it' that I have heard men spout re: rape. I want to gouge their eyes out. GOUGE THEM OUT.

I worked for a publishing concern that had a few 'intellectual' titles of renown in their realm. Their forums were full of horrible, misogynist rants, thrown into seemingly innocent conversations (mind you, these were not political/gender specific sites). People would be discussing an author, technology, the weather,

Honestly. This is treated as acceptable behavior on some levels. I don't condone any of that shit—whether it's guys catcalling or gals doing it to a guy. WTF people? Can't we all just act somewhat civilly?

LOL and all those comic book heroines in real life would be 5'9 and 150lbs of pure muscle at least, so they wouldn't count as fuckable to these scary clowns.

Well said.

I feel very sorry for young women and men who have, through many outlets, ended up thinking that everyone around them is having wild amazing sex all the time, and that if they are not doing the same, they are not worthy of life.

Seriously, how many movies have people strippin' it down in the middle of a warzone,

" the entire country is made of lakeside walks and pints of Guinness by roaring fires while dogs snooze at your feet."
Sounds like some parts of Vermont (not all, but some). :-)

I'm not defending them, basically because I don't follow the Kardashian stuff , and while I actually like some of his music, he definitely is an annoyingly cocky asshat. But I know people who have been fortunate to visit amazing places and they haven't appreciated any of it. They just tick it off their List Of Places

Spot on.

This is a lovely response. I'm a musician and my fellow players can be pretty awful to one another in comments sections, too. And as much as I may cringe at terrible pitch or out of tune instruments, or just 'amateur hour' playing/technique/approach, those folks have every right to do something that brings them joy.

That's perfect! LOL

Apparently the USTA folks have never watched the elite teams in women's basketball. Those women—all shapes and sizes, thank you—can control a high velocity game nonstop and don't collapse in a heap of fat-imbued tears (as is apparently their true concern).
A real question here: do male football players who play

Still a stunning car. Lovely design all around. Does this have the silver painted tail section? It looks very similar to one of my Dad's Corvairs.

HAAA! My Dad (who owned something like 4 Corvairs of various flavors) would have loved this. I loved his two-tone blue Monza the most—what a cool car.
Somewhere in the ether, he's laughing his ass off. I thank you for this. :-)

And Lucas electrics—and then buy another one, because you'll need a parts car. :-)

Always cool. ALWAYS.

I love minis (except the stupid Countryman), but I'll keep my old reliable BRG MX5. This is cool, but I'm cheap. And the Miata provides so much for so little cost.

I was wondering the same thing. While the idea of the self driving car is pretty impressive, I too have reservations. As you mention—it's another car on our already packed-to-the-max roadways. It doesn't address the now-typical hour and a half commutes to offices 25 miles away that we experience in my part of the

Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you the Republican base.