
We found the secret is to be patient. Let the thundering hordes run for the front of the lines/doors. Then waltz in and take a seat in the middle/best spot once everyone has been told to move to the end of the seating/standing area.
And the FastPass is at least fair. No paying more for the "privilege" like other parks

"...behold the animatronic horror way..."

Epcot yes. The adult section of Disney World. I dislike children very much, thank you, but I love me some Disney (animation/history/Disneyworld). Go figure. :-)

When a pilot friend told me the pay structure I was shocked, as many here have mentioned.
Personally I think if someone is responsible for flying a giant tube filled with people across the sky, they should make at least six-figure salaries. They certainly should make more than management at their respective home

Haa! Bad Luck Joe Buck. Good gawd I hate him.

" Cross the road before you get swept away by 120 people moving in a long, loud column."
This is poetic. It also sounds like my mom's family, which I would indeed cross the street to avoid if I could.

Well said.

I'm a 50-something white gal, and I do something very similar to you—hoodie up, pulled over my eyes (fucking glare-ridden light on planes), and headphones on. And sadly, you & I know that Mr. "That Looks Like Trouble" would have been fine with his precious spawn sitting next to the likes of me. If only he knew how

What a pretty pooch. :-)

"If you have a dog, any dog, it's your responsibility to be proactive in protecting your dog from other people, and other people from you dog. Leash them (unless you're at a dog park), ESPECIALLY with kids around."
YES to this.
I have a friend who has had wonderful experiences with pits. Hers was very sweet. Another at

I just did this a few weeks ago. Glad to see I'm not being insane. :-)

YES. I am an older gal, and I don't have a problem with the wrinkley bits. Gray hair wouldn't bother me—I wish it would go all gray (it would look cool I think). But if ever that chin thing happens—off with it. OFF.
In a perfect world of unlimited funds, I would possibly get some of that no-surgery laser-liposuction

Yeah, I use to want the big music life thing, but see that the real way to go is to be in a band where no one knows the faces of the members (but love the music). Of course, now I'm The Old Musician, so that fantasy is staying parked where it is. Hee.

Yes, Charlie, because I am certain you are dating a brain surgeon. A brain surgeon who truly loves your awesome mind.
How old is he, eight? Making fun of her haircut?
Martin must have really been hitting the sauce when he provided the sperm that produced this boy wonder.

That makes perfect sense!
"They didn't try to rally middle america against the perceived seductress and her lured inanimate object, Brad Pitt."
—-love that description. :-)

I love it—and I didn't even notice the tampon—-BWAAAAAAH
That just made my day!

OMG I had to look up 'chemtrails'. Oy, these people. I look forward to a family member who thinks the moon landing was faked brings this up. It sounds like his kind of fairy tale.


Same here—and I have drawn the same conclusion as yours.

I had the same reaction—but last time I had the audacity to question her 'awesomeness' on a thread here, the Swift Police swiftboated me. LOL