
Agree with the non-obsession over the overly muscled. I like men who look like human beings and not cartoon characters. In good shape, yes, but there's no need for the overarching muscle-beach thing. Feh. Guys built more like Rodney Yee or Baron Baptiste or Rod Stryker are more my style. And they would definitely get

I think you both have nailed it!

I often wonder if she just isn't into having kids, which I totally understand. But the tabloids just can't help it—they're like the Duggars I suppose-women are just vessels, nothing else matters.

Bruno Mars is so fucking talented. And Brad Pitt.

His band definitely appears to bust serious hump—being tight and dance moves. Thankfully, I don't think he fines them if they miss a note. LOL
(I always wanted to be in Ricki Lee Jones' band—and then we saw her live and she was horribly evil and mean to them all. haaa)

Good gawd, that's horrible. It looks like I did those nails!

I wanted Vanna's job. But I don't hate on her because she knows it's THE BEST JOB EVER.

Sigh. We're fucking doomed.

Yes to this. The coarsening of society, the 'I Got Mine' attitude is evident everywhere—public transportation, on the highways, sidewalks. People have just been—devolving or something, thinking they are the center of the universe and that it's all a big race to see who can 'win' the most—whatever.
I'm all Ducky Momo


I agree with this—having had to figure out the Perfect Combination of Backpack Size = I Can Get All My Crap To Work theorem, I have little patience for folks who plop their monster bag on a seat when the train is crowded.


Exactly. No matter the gender, the size, the packages you're toting—one seat, PLEASE.
I worked with a gal who was very very large and she managed to keep herself nearly all in her seat. If the train was super crowded (read: most days), she would tell us all to go sit and she'd stand in the vestibule. No drama, she knew

I always say "Mind moving over?" AS I'm sitting down. Sort of like when mom would say "Want some peas?" AS she was putting them on my plate. They usually grumble and accommodate, but I am a built like a women's basketball Power Forward, so it's possibly easier for me to get them to move the fuck over.

Oh yes...Jeremiah Johnson, suddenly 12 yrs old again, setting me up with a penchant for blonde, introspective, liberal menfolks.
Jeremiah has never steered me wrong. hee.

I love me some Disney, but yeah—especially Mickey, who treats nearly everyone badly, endlessly punking all of his friends. WTF?

Anyone using a Miyazaki gif wins points—although I don't mind the pope on this list, despite my non-believin' status.

Still HOT.

Hoping it's someone's b-day, because I just love the hell out of this sentiment.