
My mom worked on his campaigns when I was a wee one, a million jillion years ago. He was fabulous. He was very sweet to me, a bratty little chatterbox.

I don't chew gum (more a throatcoat tea or whiskey gal), but some singers do it to keep their mouth from getting dry. Dry mouth singing is gawdawful uncomfortable.

Yes to this!

That's good mic technique for loud R&R, actually. And I'm not even pro-Dave necessarily.
It's only truly horrible when you do it at a club with a PA & backline. You have no idea where that thing was...or in the case of some gigs I've done, you know EXACTLY where a bandmate put it and you do not want to go there.

Ha! I did too—I kept thinking "they can't possibly leave off Patrick Stewart—THEY JUST CAN'T!". :-)

This list is wonderful. Thank you for making my day.

I KNOW! Who knew it was JUST THAT EASY????????

Awww, we used the same gif. LOL
I love the octopus. That really gets to the heart of it.

Good on you both for taking on the hardest of parenting tasks. I wish you well.

WTF? What does THAT teach anyone? Yikes.

Yes to this. The entire media swamp of hordes of children=awesome drives me nuts. How can the already overburdened planet sustain this?
WTF it's not like in the past, when you kept pumping them out due to limited efficacy of birth control methods/the need to replace The Ones What Won't Make It/labor for the family

Oh that totally sounds like something Jesus would approve of.

A vagina is not a clown car NEEDS to be on a t-shirt.

I was thinking the same thing (hmmm, somewhere I have a book with Isometric exercises from the dusty past—I think it had a feathered hair, headband wearing, short-shorts bedecked guy on the cover). Progress!

"And here I thought that was accomplished through a diet of cotton balls and cocaine."

No, not all about me. But a loaded comment gets a loaded reply. : ) LOL it's all good.

"I still prefer those feelings to the stifling boredom and insecurity of monogamy."

Wow, that's pretty judgmental. Some of us are very happy being monogamous.
I don't care what your relationship—or anyone's relationship's "rules and regulations" may be, and you made some interesting points. But you upended them with

They never do. Never.

This sounds like my current place of employment. I say 'current', hoping I can escape someday. LOL
Seriously, you hit the nail on the head!