
This is waaay belated, but man, can Marlee Matlin bring it. She's such a force of nature, and that's something she rarely gets to display. I feel like I've only ever seen her that fierce in "Children Of A Lesser God," which … has problems, but she's fantastic in it!

What I have a hard time with is less the 90s stuff, and more how Rachel Wiesz gets kicked to the curb. Abigail Breslin calls her a bitch at one point, right? Cold. But also Ilsa Fischer is great in this, and I wish she got more leading roles.

WHAT IF SHE SHOOTS ANGELO? Things are going too well for them right now.

I was thinking about how sign-heavy tonight was, too. It feels like they're not even dropping music into silent signing scenes now. And Daphne and Bay signing so other people can't read their conversation last episode was a lot of fun to watch, too.

Mhmmm, delicious Zima.

I feel like Regina is constantly getting storylines where a bad idea bear's sitting on her shoulder, urging her to make the worst possible decisions. I swear, if Regina shoots someone, I don't even know. Constance Marie can sell a lot, but if gun violence comes in … oof.

Rara Kazar sounds like one of Skeletor's minions! Write a book from that character's POV, Kathryn!

As a fellow writer, I found Kathryn's terribly unimaginative name for Sarah Lazar's character to be the most hilarious moment of the night. On Twitter, I think I saw Lizzy Weiss say she named the character after her sister-in-law, whom she assured readers is not a ho.

I never saw that one! Only the one where Gloria got attacked and Michael and Archie talk her out of testifying about it when her attacker was caught by the police. Episode ends with a chilling look of horror creeping over Gloria's face, as she realizes this man may go on to attack others, while Archie and Michael

I absolutely adore that episode, with Edith telling it like it is. Episodes that involved her and Michael are my favorite, as in the one where Edith loses her faith after the death of a friend, and it's Michael — the atheist — who pleads with her to believe, because the family needs her to believe.

I have always loved Lois Lane, so I am partial to all Lois Lanes. But Delaney's wise-ass take is perhaps my favorite. Her defiance in the Superman Animated Series comic is also legendary: "Hey! I'm a big girl! I've punched Brainiac in the face!"

I feel like SAGA may earn its sadness, eventually, whatever that sadness may be; I guess I can't imagine this ending well, but I'm hoping for something more bittersweet, with a coming-of-age nuance to it? But I certainly can't read Y or Ex Machina ever again. Liked 'em both, but once was enough.

Wait, really? I would love to know how this happened with Impulse!

LYING CAT exists in the Marvel universe! That means Image exists in the Marvel Universe! I too adore Ms. McDuffie.She tells it like it is, she's brave, she handles things.

Robin's response to Diane's offer was pitch perfect: "Holy crap."

As a whole, that book's look is way less splashy than some other books from the past couple years, but darnit, I love its consistent cleanness. Ditto, @avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus, on Matt flipping out in that moment. So many choices he makes are basically just Waid railing against despair and

I'm actually rereading my way through Waid's Daredevil now. I can't remember when I've had more fun just reading a comic. When I first read The Omega Effect arc, I wasn't blown away by it, but how Matt deals with that Omega Drive situation is pretty clever overall, and I think it's the character's smarts and brighter

Sonja sounds like her to me, for the first time since the New 52. It's so fun and rounds out Sonja as a character nicely. I love BOP and Secret Six, and her Wonder Woman run, which was a little uneven at times.

Oh, man, that scene was beautifully played by both of them. Both in Sherlock's intense feeling and Joan's solid acceptance of his energy and the quiet reassurances that she's okay. I love these two actors together so, so much.

Spiot on, @drdarke:disqus I hope I'm right, too. Of course, they still have that terrible serial killer plot to plumb for weirdo tension that is not fun or exciting in any way. All I want is for Castle and Beckett to get married and solve mysteries that make no goddamn sense. Basically, I should probably go watch "The