
Actually, it looks like CASTLE may have finally put the stupid "bringing Beckett's mother's killer's bosses to justice" storyline to rest this week. I was absolutely shocked. I expected them to milk for a whole other season.

One of my favorite recaps of all time. "Why are you finger-quoting everything?"

I was at C2E2 this weekend, and asked Dustin Nguyen to sign my TPB of Batgirl: The Lesson. He was so excited I'd brought that collection with me. This guy loves Stephanie, and it shows in all of his work on the character.

You make a good point about having support. Pretty sure that entire office will help out where they can, like Larry offering Leslie all his family's baby clothes.

Careful, my bones.

My great-grandfather edited an edition of Polk's journals. Cool story, bro. But you're not kidding, they're great!

I could be remembering this incorrectly, as I haven't had time for a rewatch, but the way that Coach zeroes in on the fact that Matt is ashamed of the state of his household after his visit is remarkable. And the way he boosts Matt's work as man of the house clearly means so much to Saracen.

I've loved how low-key Ted and The Mother's scenes have been so far. Their first date, they just went on a WALK, and it was wonderful.

I really think that the writers' strike also derailed whatever they were planning to do with season three. I thought I remember hearing that on the DVD commentaries. For me, it's like the show lost its roadmap somewhere along the way, even as I still enjoy it.

Oh, what, geez. That's awful. So many good people in that show; I wish it had drawn things to a close.

Great to see some love for How Lily Stole Christmas. Her conflict with Ted rings so true to life, yet male-female friendship is rarely given that much space on TV. It's my favorite Lily episode, next to Milk.

How did that show end? I missed it!

Man, that last moment of imagination from Alicia broke me open. She supplies her own best answer, but it does nothing to help. It only makes things hurt more.

Stevenson does some really nice dramatic work in "Sometimes You Hear The Bullet." I find his delivery of the "big speech" in that one nicely unadorned.

Definitely too maudlin, but there's some gut-punching stuff in there that helps me understand how powerful MASH could be when it didn't lean too hard into the obvious points about war being hell. For example, the episode where BJ's daughter meets Radar stateside and calls him Daddy. BJ spends the entire episode drunk

Actually, what I was most looking forward to with Daphne and Wilke's storyline was his resistance towards learning sign. It hadn't become, like, an underlined thing yet, but there were a couple scenes that pointed towards that something more that Bay and Emmett have going on.

Ooooh, of course! As a hearing aid wearer, I approve of her practicality.

I unfortunately missed the explanation here. What was the purpose of the implant?

I will always love Funny Face for Hepburn's rendition of "How Long Has This Been Going On?" Is she a great singer? Nope. But she sells the hell out of the pathos in that number.

Aw, I liked Echo, and I was annoyed she had to die to get him to be a big damn hero already.