
If you like Green Lantern, he did a Kyle Rayner story I really remember enjoying called The Circle of Fire.

I think I only caught it because the pose was the same. It was some smart visual work, that.

Can I take a moment to say how much I love Kirsten? I love her. I want to be friends with her. And I think it's awesome that this volume of Daredevil essentially started and ended with a kiss.

This sounds like a case for the Law and the Multiverse blog!

Let me tell you, I got to assistant stage-manage her one-woman eons ago, and I have never been more terrified in my whole life. Things had to be just so, or you would hear about it. That said, it was quite amazing to watch the woman perform a two-hour show five nights a week in her eighties.

I was glad the luge got coverage, but I was sad to miss out on any ski jump coverage. Given that it was the first time women had ever competed, I wanted to see it in primetime as I missed the live broadcast. But of course, Americans didn't medal, which is probably why the event got bumped.

Oliver, did you get an email you wrote into the letters page for Ms. Marvel? If that was you, I just wanted to let you know it made me smile. Comics community, unite!

Definitely agree with your breakdown on Robert and Cora, particularly on Cora. Part of why I was frustrated with O'Brien leaving basically off-screen was that I craved a showdown between her and Lady Grantham.

I am pretty psyched for Bay and Emmett and whatever's going on there. I try not to ship, but it's so impossible not to hoist my sails with those two.

I am not sure what's up with all the school issues, either, and I'm really hoping they don't drop that content. Race in general is something that I wish got a little more thematic attention on this show.

But is her boss just rude, or is there something deeper going on there? His 180 in behavior when he withdraws his proposal indicated something more troubling than just bluntness to me? I guess I'm curious to see where that's going.

I am actually digging the Campbell/Daphne plot, which is why I silent-screamed when it turned out (SPOILER) he is seeing somebody. He's just so charming, and I like the way it's been highlighted that he and Daphne have similar struggles (the telephone moment), while also having completely different points of view

Am I alone in cherishing Captain N: The Game Master? IT HAD A TALKING GAMEBOY!!!!

AGREED on every single point you make. Castle is such a strange show, and I too thought they'd weasel their way out of Castle/Beckett's relationship. I'm glad they haven't, as the actors are much more fun together than apart, but the commercials keep teasing their engagement breaking up, and that nonsense needs to

Out of curiosity, what was the retcon in the Castle clip episode? I know I watched it, but I clearly wasn't paying attention.

Oh, man, Fort Apache! I saw it years ago and remain stunned! Fonda as a glory-hound warmonger-er? Wayne as the pacifist intent on relating to Native Americans as people? It's mind-boggling! Also, the way patriotism and the ramifications of legend are turned upside down — ack! Good movie.

Ensign Pulver: "My name is Ensign Pulver, and I just threw your damn palm tree overboard!"

Saga — The opening scene with the two reporters was such a great reveal, given what the agent had said about their "kind" in the last issue.

Anything with Judd gives me the willies. "Lonely Room" is both terrifying AND understandable, given how lonely he is.

I love legitimate theatre.