
Is it the one where Wally is holding Jay's helmet? That's my roommate's favorite panel?

Agreed! I kept thinking his obliterating everyone as he knew them was the more selfish thing to do. But getting to say goodbye to his mom … that's definitely meaningful,, and worth the self-sacrifice.

That is maybe the best comic book story I own. I absolutely love every single thing about it: Wally's coming into his own, the Flash family convening, Wally tricking Professor Zoom, and Zoom crying like a small child.

I am hoping they address that next season. Something must be going on there.

Co-signing both statements here, and I'd like to add that not only did Candace Patton up her game, because the writers gave her something to do and work with in the last three episodes, Iris being in the know actually DEEPENED her scenes with Barry, and it showed in Gustin's performance, too. He got to leave behind

Yeah, the women all seem basically okay, it's just Matt who loses everything, and of course (SPOILER?) the thing that happens to Ben.

The thing I really liked about End of Days was the way it wrapped up Echo's storyline. I was pretty rage-filled at how Bendis fridged her to motivate Moon Knight a year or so before, so it was great to see her at peace and living a generally good life in this alternate timeline type story.

Has Shauna shown up at all this season? I want one last Knope headline suggestion.

One of my favorites, too! Wally gets all incredulous about being asked to arrest Weather Wizard because he makes it rain indoors.

Yes, and meeting the fam is such a part of that! They are so delightful together. I hope they are allowed to staaaay together.

It's a writing idea where writers repeat things in threes, to give them significance, or show how change occurs in a drama.

I was astounded by how the rule of three was used with the sex scenes, and how each time indicated a change in their relationship. First time is hella awkward. Second time is lust unleashed. That final time with the necklace indicates something deeper, more connected than the other times.

I'm glad they finally cleared up that they're dating in San Fran! I've been a huuuge Kirsten fan from the start of Waid's run, and I am hoping she's not going anywhere, anytime soon.

I dropped out at the end of season six, and I am back now. I am really intrigued by Coleman and Capaldi's complex chemistry. It was a joy watching that restaurant scene.

Sometimes I wonder if the SAB folks get notes for soapy stuff, and they give it to Katie LeClerc because they know she can handle it? I dunno.

I'm kind of glad someone finally talked about Regina's propensity for lying. I mean, I think Daphne is way, way off-base, as someone who is grieving. But finally confronting the fact that Regina has lied about many things that will affect loved ones, and Daphne using that truth as fuel to distance herself from the one

Oliver, thank you for this write up. Putting the word out about disabled creators is an important thing to do. As a hard of hearing woman, I am sad to say I didn't know most of the artists you cited here — even though I like to think I am always on the lookout for diverse creators/diverse work. Your catalog gives me

Blankets! Hands down one of my favorite graphic novels. I read it at least twice a year. How are you liking it?

When I stayed over the weekend at a school as a prospective student, I was paired up to stay in a room with a girl who had night terrors. Now I'm hard of hearing, so it wasn't till next year as a freshman that her roommate told me she was jumping all over the room all night. Prospie weekends are strange.

I do not know how I was supposed to feel about Daphne's story. Was it supposed to be funny? Was it supposed to be a cautionary tale? I dunno. The pay-off of her daring Regina to do something about her actions was the only thing of note for me there.