
It really is! I was particularly hard hit by the chapters on deafness and autism. I don't know that I've ever read anything so wonderful and so piercing at the same time.

Additionally, Jennifer Lawrence was given the chance to play more than fear or reservation in this film. That sequence in the elevator was hilarious because of Jenna Malone's sassiness, Hutcherson's awkwardness, Harrelson's delight, and Lawrence's serious annoyance. Humanity!

Something I eventually took note of, too, is that she will almost always take care of others before herself, as in protecting her sister. She certainly has mother-like qualities throughout the books.

I am reading Far From The Tree right now! Actually, I've been reading it since spring 2012. I am almost finished; it's quite a gratifying, though emotionally intense read.

Leslie WAS super-cute tonight. And when I realized that Ben was dressed as Wesley, I screamed, and made my usual vow that I will one day steal Adam Scott from his wife and children.

I actually only got into the book when Emma Rios took over art duties. It really helped me see the tone DeConnick was after. I like Andrade — especially the hair!

You just made me grin a big stupid grin. Rock Bottom Remainders!

I am also pretty nervous for Foggy. That really seems like the one plot point I can't see getting wrapped up quickly, unless it means he'll … you know … Plus, Matt looks awfully sad on that solicited cover.

Read Daredevil and Young Avengers this week. I've been iffy on this story arc for Daredevil, but I think I'm finally on board with what the creative is doing, vis a vis, appearances versus reality.