i never cared for GOB


My husband said it looked like she gave birth to Arnold Drummond.

What? You sound like an over-sensitive white person. Nobody made mention of race, or insinuated he can't manage money because he's black (??)

Right? It is not difficult, even if you're doing concealed carry. They specifically make purses with secured pockets for your gun that a toddler couldn't get to. It's becoming really fucking hard to advocate for continuing gun ownership when so many people are goddamn morons about it.

But that's the way an effective justice system works. Everyone, no matter how horrible they are, deserves representation and a fair trial.

This man is an absolute disgrace to all North Dakotans. The example this man is setting for those young women is truly appalling. Too drunk to operate the Zamboni, that is the single most ridiculous thing I've heard.

No love for the Granny Prep?

Being a domestic violence victim does not disqualify her from being a perpetrator of child neglect.

"Victim blaming"?? NO ONE here is blaming the 1 year old.

If you're afraid you're doing something that's going to get your kids taken away from you, then you should probably have your kids taken away from you.

i read your first line and didn't read the rest because you're a fucking asshole.

Whatevs. My mom and her ilk (Lily-loving preppy women all) totally shop at Target. DIRTY SECRET: Real preps are cheap as fuck. Smart marketing move if you ask me.

I've had almost perfect success with it, and I've gone from never locking my phone before Touch ID to always locking it. Clearly, YMMV.

They did nothing wrong. How hard is that it understand? They are rightly bitching about undeserved punishment. The SJW's on this site get all up in arms over the treatment of other "not guilty" parties. Put your money where your mouth is and support these guys too. I doubt that'll happen though. Wrong skin color +

Look, I have never been a fan of the Greek system but the school punished them for something that never happened.

I fucking love it, but it's not gonna be for everybody.

He is wearing an onion on his belt which was the fashion at the time.

dang, yall. I can't compete with any of these. I'll just sit tight until there's a pissing contest regarding "weird places you peed" or "how you almost got caught with drugs in a foreign country."

One night as a senior in high school I was high as a kite with a group of attractive men. As the night wore on I started making out with one of them and almost immediately started to have trouble breathing.