i never cared for GOB

What you can do, which I is what I did is use ATT’s early upgrade. You get a partial subsidy on the phone (usually the difference between the full price and the new contract subsidy) and start the contract over again. I sell my old phone to make up the difference.

Now playing

Big Bird is really good at making me cry.

really? you don't understand? this is still jezebel and god forbid they report on any of the positive things that greeks do, or the fact that actually might not be to blame for something.

where might I ask do you live? Likely somewhere that doesn't have to deal with that kinda shit every year. You spend hours shoveling out your spot every day to come back and find it inhabited by someone random

thanks, grandpa simpson

got caught buying hash on the streets of Hong Kong by my professor who was leaving the coffee shop. The only thing that happened was the dude didn't get paid for the hash because I was getting dragged away and screamed at.

exactly. I want to be like marky mark. no one wants to be the biebs even with his success.

You're probably the same person that thinks the government should provide women free tampons. they're the one traveling with special needs, it is not the airlines job to cater to the few people that choose to travel this way and can't even sit up straight.

seriously. Jez's "women are right and always are right because we're women" argument is so fucking old it's got grandchildren.

yeah, i've read that the aura can be a sign of problems later down the line, etc. but whatever. i'm 24 and not going to worry that hard.

I guess I can't honestly answer it, because I would take one and then deliberately go take a nap. Never noticed the face burn sensation however.

I mean, it could. That's mostky what excedrin is. I take a prescription called maxalt when I kniw I'm getting a migraine. I get the "auora" when I'm gettin a migraine so I kniw to take it. Then just NAP TIME

Or, ya know they were kids who did something horribly wrong and they're paying for they're aggregious mistake. Jesus, Jezebel sometimes people of color DO actually break the law.

seriously. it's that kind of pigeon holing and profiling that keeps everything at a grinding halt. this is jez, isn't it? aren't you "broads" supposed to be the ones that get that people have different viewpoints but they aren't specifically horrible people? #NotAllRepublicans c'mon.

you can drool on that baby all ya want. but rain water, that'll strip the paint right off.

that's a new term, invented in the last maybe, 5 years.

I rarely comment, especially on here. This peice was great and in an attempt to not sound wicked corny- really glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. I recently moved to SF from Central NY and as someone who is a little bigger- not gross, but large and as a gay man I feel even more alienated sometimes here than I

thank you HS history! the defenestration of prague was a big deal during the catholic and protestant reformation.