
Have you seen the episode (Living Witness) where a civilization hundreds of years in the future argue the historical facts of their first meeting of "Bad" voyager, the crew is viewed as evil so all of their actions are depicted by the crew as if they were rogue and out to destroy their civilization, a Star Trek crew

(this reply was ment for PeteRR...)

The color does really make it easier to figure out the "actions" being depicted

I remember when Jib Jab was respectable.

Why, because he sucks the oxygen out of a room?

Isn't this a envelope opener?

Is cheese curds anything like unformed string cheese if so maybe discribe cheese cued like string cheese with out the string funcationality?

Joaquin Phoenix IS the personification of Dr. Strange, art imitating life.

Web Cam! WebCam! WebCam! Who needs puppy bowl, i would have this running in the background all day long!

I agree, before i read their blurb i was expecting that Putin tested a nuke not a delivery vehicle.

I for one would not want to get on Mike Tyson's bad side, you could see the gears turning in Mike's head running through the things he would have done to the guy back in the day and knowing he needs to restrain himself. It's like being caught in the stare of an agitated tiger. Notice how he didnt once look to the

So did the Brontosaurus actually exist or was it just miscellaneous parts found on the museum floor?

Where is the elite Apple Sniper squad to take him out when you need them, loose lips sink ships god damn-it!!!

With the 360 eye camera I'm sure there will be plenty of vacume riding cat genitals videos for everyone.

All this for only $9,998 because Dyson

The original in black and white was the best!


Hey, is that the guy from Fire Fly?

These look like they we taken with a DRONE!!!