
Um, more like astronomo-logical liars

I'm sorry, i think the guys in the castle next door would totally make fun of you for your extruded layer cake Castle, reminds me of the Playschool plastic playhouse kids have in their back yards.

What charity did they do this for?

I believe this will help with an even smoother surface once it dries out so it could make for an even faster run.

That works out amazing well!!!

When i read "bobcats" my first thought was a shitload of wild cats running around, my thinking was that it wouldn't be to outlandish for a shipment of bobcats could be going to the "fur coat factory", like how we ship cows or chickens, lol.

Does Grumpy cat approve?

Economy of scale

Do the same with a cat and watch the treat bounce off its face, over and over and over and over and over... will kitty ever learn?

Hipster FuckBucket, sounds like the name of the villain in Will Smith's Little Orphan Annie.

Words can force people to do the correct thing as long as there is at least one person in the chain of events/legal system who is honorable and will act on those words in good faith. It's the trust and honor system, trust that people will honor those words as written and if not that someone with honor down the line

I dont mind spying, i mind collecting for future spying.

Maybe so that they are "uniform" in their appearance?

Intergalactic de-lousing fluid

Is it Marvel, or is it the fact it's now Disney's Marvel, werent there some horror stories of how they (Marvel pre-Disney) treated Stan Lee after they started bringing stuff to the big screen.

I saw it Sunday morning and just about everyone stayed (the most people i have seen at a 10:00 am showing since the first Hunger Games), and boy did it feel long when you wernt sure for a fact there was something at the end. (GotG is the best Marvel movie so far, fun all the way through)

I think that's the differance between Science and Faith, Science you prove, Faith you trust.

the person or the hat?

It looks to be distortion by the "glass" of the case it is in, everything on the right side of the case looks larger.