-President Trump has nearly exhausted the yearly budget of the Secret Service
-Secret Service has been priced-out of their HQ in Trump Tower
-Trump properties charge their highest rates to any Staff or Gvt. Employee who travels with Donald to any Trump property, like Mar-A-Lago
-Trump takes visiting Dignitaries…
Head Muncher Price has offered to write a check for $52,000.
Actual cost of his chartered travel is over $400,000.
I say we put a tax lien on his house.
Wow.... for an agency tasked with defending the Law and the Constitution, the DoJ (and its head Keebler Elf) sure do seem determined to violate the First Amendment at every small opportunity.
Right to Free Speech, Right to Assembly, Right to Free Association. Amendment One stuff. Seems to me that this action against…
How could we forget THIS gem:
What constitutes ‘Middle Class’ varies, depending upon whose figures you’re looking at. Most figures that I have found in my research have indicated a range including everyone between the poorest 20% and the richest 20%. That range currently appears to be between $46,900/yr and $140,900/yr. (source: CNN Money)
1. Social Security is a self-contained system. The trust fund is paid for by a separate tax, which all working adults pay into. The trust fund is more than adequate for current and future need. Problem is, Congress used it as collateral for loans to itself, using a special US Bond that they are legally required to…
The average US “Household Income” is around $117,000/year. That’s both spouses working, and that’s a National average. For a single American, the average is $37,000/year. (This demonstrates that married people, on average, also have higher income than single people.)
Once you get above a certain level of individual…
Even when said private party is discriminating against a protected class?
I think we are seeing, in this proposal, the true thrust and desire of the Trump Administration. THIS, my friends, is the payoff. The big enchilada. The expected and promised reward to every bigly corporate backer of the Trump Campaign.
The plan is so utterly lop-sided. It would be hilarious, were it not for how…
I would argue that the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment is the prevailing law here. This is a case where the difference in Gender is causing a legal injury. (Specifically, the discrimination against a Citizen is based upon their gender.)
The one and only reason that the DoJ would bother getting involved in this case, when it expressly did NOT have to do so, is that the Trump Administration specifically wants to protect the ability of Employers to discriminate against people for their sexual orientation.
There is no other reason for the DoJ’s…
I think a lot of people are missing the big story here:
We *may* have just found the Trump Campaign’s “Russian Connection.”
No, think about it: Segal is to Putin as Rodman is to Kim. A forgotten celebrity who no one really believes can do anything, but still inexplicably gets access to a powerful and dangerous world…