
Update: Ms. Fonseca has been arrested. She was picked up on an “Outstanding Warrant” from a “Neighboring County” for an alleged “Fraud” charge. She swears she knows nothing about it, and has passed several recent background checks. She has been pulled over several times recently for the “F%^K TRUMP” decal, and none of

Now playing

And now, actual footage of Moore at the Mall:

The weaving and textile industry in North Carolina has be utterly gutted by offshoring since the 1980's. Hundreds of mill towns used to thrive in the shadows of the mills, where people made good livings, and drove the economy from the bottom up. But as soon as deregulation set in during the Reagan Revolution of the

There is some precedent for what happens next. In 1956 (I believe) the Democratic Candidate for Senate in SC died before the general election. The SC Democratic Party had two options under SC Law: Hold another snap primary, or appoint someone. They chose to appoint.

Strom Thurmond disagreed with their process, and ran

MMMmmmmmmMMMMM. I ain’t even gonna lie.

Drake just needs to take 6 months to form his exploratory committee for his Candidacy in 2020:

Two years ago, I attempted to purchase a 1992 240GL with just 65,000 Miles on the clock. It was dark grey, with a grey interior, and had just had all of its service completed by a certified technician. Inside and out, as perfect as a 25-year-old car could be, sans full resto. It was $6,000, and I was *provisionally*

I like to use “Lord Dampnut.” It is an Anagram for “Donald Trump.”

Dear Gov. Can I call you Gov? Look.. you... you need to stop. Just... stop. You aren’t cool any more. You haven’t been cool since Joanie and Chachi graduated.

Send that message. SEND IT.

Ross sold off MOST of his holdings before taking office.... but NOT the holdings which connect him to Russia through navigator.

Let that sink in for a minute. Ruminate on it. He got rid of everything else... but he held onto those shell companies.

“Why is that bag empty!? WHERE ARE THE CATS!?!”

Could be a 2014 Honda Accord Sedan: