
Once again, anything that Obama liked is “Bad! Bad! Bad!” and must be eliminated. (‘Sides, ere’body knows them ‘lectric cars is jus fer Libs, anyhow!)

Impressions are PAID for on FB. I’m sure I’m not telling you anything you don’t know, but some of your readers might not know this yet.

Say you have 50,000 followers on FB. You put up a post. Maybe you repost a Washington-Post story. Maybe you’re promoing your upcoming cookout.

Your native reach (people who immediately

“Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised. Her campaign had the right of refusal of who would be the party communications director, and it would make final decisions on all the other staff. The DNC also was required to consult with the campaign about all other staffing, budgeting,

Because we all know, sexual assault only happens in the dark.

Lord Dampnut is just mad because he finally found a Court System his lawyers couldn’t intimidate... and that all the countries with no US extradition treaty have weather he doesn’t like.

Papa’s politics are like his pizza: Sad, uninspired, slightly damp, greasy, and likely stuck to the top of the box. Also, Italians shake their heads sadly at them, while shouting “Basta!”

Now playing

Yes, Fox. Yes... you are the baddies. (GOD I love this.)

LOL! Here’s video, audio and photographic evidence of Lord Dampnut sitting at the same table as Papadopolous (and Jeff Sessions!) discussing Policy with very important people:

Dear Sarah... can I call you Sarah? Look... GIRRRRL.... Get out. Get out now, Because, well, frankly:

It’s a fine ‘Murican Tradition.

I hear that Gates had a Public Defender. In related news, actual footage of Gates leaving the courtroom: