
Let’s be honest. They didn’t care to make an EV. They did it the same way GM did the EV1, to show they suck. And yes, in the US Rapid Charging infrastructure is greatly behind compares to China and Northern Europe. But Hyundai/Kia seem to be able to produce EVs that are in some ways more advanced (like 800v batteries

He demanded the cameo to use the hotel for the scene.

I mean, for Connecticut, this is a step in the right direction, given they probably used to just hunt poor people for sport.

Not surprising in the least to anyone who has been paying attention to privacy laws and protections. It isn’t just car companies, it’s every company trying to do this. Our government has failed for decades to enact legislation to protect individual privacy because there is a lot of money that can potentially be made

As an avid House Hunters fan, the garage door thing is what amazes me most. The people who (usually foolishly) want new construction, all of those houses have tiny-ass garage doors pinched 12" apart, or the fully misleading “double garage”, even on $1 million houses. Isn’t true luxury in a new house not a 1,200 SF

The microwave is just a large Uber Eats button.

The guy that buys this house doesn’t care either way because they can’t cook.

USA: “You had us at arms race!”

The best way to prevent terror attacks is to have a well ordered society, with a narrow inequality gap, and comfortable and well adjusted populace. Everything else is an arms race between authoritarians and the disgruntled. Perhaps we could have the former, for a change, instead of the latter?

They want customers to sign a very wordy and awkward “Arbitration form” that they hope will help them not have to buy back so many cars.

I lived in Manhattan for 35 years, and I did everything I could to avoid anything but walking, even an hour or more. I walked to work anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes every day to avoid traffic or the dreaded subway. I don't understand this guy at all ,and I made good money.

And yet somehow other major cities with populations as large or larger have figured this out and it works just fine. 

What will they be crushed against? I’m not just driving by feel. 

I like that we can argue over what type of asshole this obvious asshole is.

Seems like it’d just be a good thing in general for people to learn how to differentiate steam from smoke.

4th Gear: Don’t get me started on Lax Bros, Amber. They are all cut from the same cloth: They overvalue themselves, provide no redeeming social value, show up at parties uninvited, eat your food, drink your beer, and foul your bathroom.

Amazon tracks their every movement.  Meeting their performance metrics may be impossible due to things out of their control.  

I’m sure Amazon doesn’t even prepare their drivers for what they have to deal with, that would be openly admitting how shitty their work conditions are. It’s a bait-and-switch. Only the extremely desperate would take the job if they were honest.

It’s so weird that ever since I dumped Amazon the amount of counterfeit crap I have in my house has slowly disappeared.

Why are all these new automakers so laser focused on “self driving” rather than just building good cars. Canoo has an interesting product. People will buy that product whether it drives itself or not. Even Tesla has seemingly sacrificed build quality and assembling a decent product on the altar of “AI” and “self