
Pft amateurs. Each store Walmart operates was estimated to cost the US social welfare benefits programs between $904,542 and $1.75 million per year, with an estimated total of $6.2 billion/year over all their stores, in 2014 money.

Also, prices for used have been moving upward since the start of the pandemic. Here’s an article from August 2020 for reference (

Could have been purchased through a darkpool.

Honestly it’s not about being old. It’s looking at the entire crypto marketplace for these things and knowing full well they’re completely built on the greater fool theory.

NIMBY’s are totally going to abuse this. Considering some of the shit they pulled with Waze there’s no way Google shouldn’t know this is coming. (Unless of course their Game of Thrones style of management successfully executed everyone who previously worked on other mapping projects so Maps could be come the dominant

Some systems are better than others and I’ll admit that several of the newer ones I’ve driven aren’t quite as aggressive.

It still manages to start at $30k before credits though.

Blind spot monitors with a light on the side view mirror that also beep (like the one pictured.)

Also this particular brand of hypocrite: ThE mArKeTs ShOuLD PiCk wInNeRs AnD lOsErS*.

Keepass2 sync’d to Google drive (or even better a personal cloud host like OwnCloud) is honestly amazing. I only need to remember 4 passwords. One for my phone, one for my computer, one for my repository host, and one for my .kdbx repository.

I’m looking out my office window at my Xterra sitting in 3 inches of snow with it still coming down. I don’t have a single worry about my trip home because I know it will make it. It’s easily the most capable vehicle I’ve ever owned and it’s fairly easy to keep running.

Well, it’s been 10 years since I’ve seen an update on Cambridge Crude. I’m glad to see flow batteries are still being developed.

It pains me to say this but the SUV strategy worked out swimmingly for Lamborghini.

I’m still trying to figure this out too. Google turns out 20 results on “Pennsylvania’s presidency” one of which points to Gizmodo and one of which points a link which is a link back to Gizmodo.

Step 1: Install Pi-Hole on network.

It’s amazing how all these congressional debt scolds like to talk about how we can’t possibly afford the pretty basic social safety net, which pretty well managed in every other developed country. However, the moment the full legal might of the United States government and it’s plutocratic special interests need more

I explain this all the time when I consult on MRP systems. Yes ,the machine can run all sorts of calculations and determine the most efficient way to produce a finished good. Unfortunately, there are always all sorts of soft factors which require someone, with at least a minimal understanding of how the process works,

So are guillotines more potential energy devices or do they rely more on the keenness of the edge?

I think the only brand of anything for the cars that I buy with only a slight bit of skepticism is Moog parts. I haven’t had a bad experience with them yet despite the internet thrashing they seem to get. But by the time I’m putting Moog components on the cars, I don’t expect them to go more than 50k miles more, so I

Still needs more fire.