
when Harry and Meghan married, #RoyalWeddding (with three ds) was also trending

Next time: Twenty-five years ago, Hugh Grant charmed (and stammered) his way through Four Weddings And A Funeral.

All Siggis are amazing.. Noosa is good but expensive.  Oui is bullshit in a very pretty package. 

Siggi’s Vanilla is amazing.

Holy FUCK I had no idea that was Nicholas Hoult. 

Iron Giant Man.

There are nothing but end credit scenes. They play the opening credits, the end credits, then the movie happens.

I wish someone would piece together just a montage of all the customer interstitials.

I so agree... for the life of me I can’t get the Silky Love.  I thought Nina had the Snatch Game, honestly.  If Vanjie doesn’t get to be funny just being herself, they shouldn’t let Silky get away with it. 

NINA WAS ROBBED!! Facts are facts America. 

Now playing

Another excellent cover I’ve watched way too many times:

It’s simple: apostrophe = possessive.

Make a bed.

Just sit down and try to use a laptop computer.

pwease don’t eat me, Mr.  

Try to move furniture

Wrap presents.

Everyone knows the best way to get a cat to come to you is to start doing something where a cat would get in the way.

In the last video there is a person who thinks the best way to catch a cat is to just run at it and hope it stays still, obviously not a cat person.

The Moclans seem to be the Klingons.  The Krill seem to be more like Romulans to me.