It was surprisingly funny and charming, actually. I loved the relationship between Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen. (I can’t believe I just typed that.)
It was surprisingly funny and charming, actually. I loved the relationship between Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen. (I can’t believe I just typed that.)
You know, I’ve lost pregnancies much earlier than theirs, and I would give anything to have been able to hold the baby I didn’t get to have. I doubt I would bring the body home, but I have trouble actually judging that, because grief isn’t usually rational.
You’re probably a troll but I’ll bite to get on a soap box.
I also have no problem with tissue being donated OR sold. It advances science legally. In order to truly care about this sort of thing, you’d have to also reject body donations for scientific research—all of the doctors you’ve ever had have cut up a few…
I feel the same about aborted fetuses as removed appendixes. Dispose of them sanitarily, or use them for research if applicable. Both look gross on a poster, neither requires my tears.
One time when I was really poor and didn’t have health insurance, a PP nurse practitioner gave me antibiotics also appropriate for an upper respiratory infection when I originally went in for a UTI (I was really, really sick). They definitely saved me from having to go to the hospital pre-ACA and incurring impossible…
SoOoOo...I know I’m just one random internet commenter dude but....even if PP was doing what the video purported to catch them doing....Is it bad that I just don’t care, like, at all?
Topher is better actor than Tobey.
I like how it’s got sunflower seeds sprinkled on top of it. Like someone tasted it and thought, hmmm...this needs something. Avocados. That’s what it needs.
They “killed it” with their latest Meegan skit.
Someone on another site said to try hitting the number next to the star. It's been working for me, on my iPhone.
A) Spanglish is a better movie than it gets credit for. Not perfect, but really very good and one of Sandler’s best. Tea Leon, Cloris Leachman, Paz Vega, and Sarah Steele are all excellent in it, too.’ve never seen Happy Gilmore?!?!