
That’s a bit of a stretch. But I’ll give you that as an iPhone user for the past 4 years, I’m so bored of it I would buy almost anything else at this point.

lol, ok guy.

On the contrary, I'm so sick of my iPhone's inability to perform basic tasks like play music that I'll be switching to a windows phone next cycle.

Downtown Brooklyn is one of the best spots to build. That building will be within walking distance of a whole mess of lines. The school issue is a good one, but that’s the fault of the city and not the developer. In a smarter world, the city would plan ahead on that kind of necessary infrastructure and use the extra

I live nearby and the biggest issues with this tower are ancillary, yet significant. First, there are many other big, expensive towers going up in the same neighborhood. This would not normally be an issue. However, these residences are meant to attract families with kids, yet there is no concomitant increase in local

It’s a bad sign when metacritic users are more critical than Fandango.

Thank heavens...this was bullshit from the get-go.

As an iPhone user who has paid a grand total of $0.99 for the two iPhones I’ve owned over the past four years, my theories/observations on OS snobs are that

I think you just took a shit from your mouth.

Yep. The box is there for a reason, circumventing it is probably going to be frowned upon.

aaaaaaand fired

This is where you really have to look at the magnitudes involved. Microwaves typically use about 1000 watts of power, this uses 1 watt so more likely if you are in the way, you just won’t get a good charge signal.

Sure... It’s like standing in front of your microwave oven with the door open. NO THANKS!

The point is purely to take advantage of a very large population of dimwits. Eventually, this curved television screen will be upgraded to one that looks like a wave. That will evolve into one that twists and bends into a pretzel. People who love Iron Man buy these things.