
Truth. The people in the photos must have some Freddie Krueger-length arms, too. I have a seriously tiny waist and am all kinds of flexible (I can do some truly gross double-jointed stuff with some of my body parts) and I had to get into a really awkward, uncomfortable position to do the trick. Also, it’s already been

Dunno about around the back, but I can touch my belly button from the front. Boop. #notaclone #probablyamammal

Another litmus test on who to delete from various social media.

Dude, when I was 7 I felt a very spiritual connection to Native Americans after reading Island of the Blue Dolphins. Obvs, this fascination was focused more profoundly on Alaska Natives in particular after reading Julie of the Wolves.

I don’t believe that a guy who has been arrested for child sexual assault in Colorado and has been accused not just by Rachel, but her sister as well, could have molested her? Yes, in fact I can believe it.

Emma Stone, duh.

Kristen Wiig

Did someone say tanning vouchers?

More Rachel Dolezal, yeesh. Look, I apologize if someone else has made this same point but could someone explain to me how she’s any different from Caitlyn Jenner?

#distractingly sexy

What a fantastic burn.

“Today, Donald Trump became the second major Republican candidate to announce for president in two days. He adds some much-needed seriousness that has previously been lacking from the GOP field, and we look forward hearing more about his ideas for the nation.“

That’s not how she tells it.

I am 5’5.5. Kit’s eyes are flush with mine although he is leaning slightly. I’d say 5’6 and not a half-inch taller. (P.S. He is a genuine and lovely fellow. Also, he smells really good.)


He’s wearing a grey tie with a grey suit. Height is the least of his problems.

I met him a few times in Toronto and he was roughly... I want to say 5’5” with brown eyes, smile like the sunrise. But in all seriousness, 5’6” at the very tallest.

Pretty gamebreaking, tbh.

“Oh wow, this is great! It feels like I’m really vomiting.