You know how your mom uses your middle name when you’ve really fucked up? It’s like that.
You know how your mom uses your middle name when you’ve really fucked up? It’s like that.
I used to not be able to sit in certain seats on the bus, because the vibrations would give me no reason boners. The only way to get rid of them when I was approaching my stop was to think about cancer.
Tu es bella come la papaya.
They probably offered, and he was all like, “Nah, I got this.”
Unless you, you know, got a big dick.
Heisenberg doesn’t do shit by half measures.
People will give you a hard time about the Nazi reference, but it’s true. You can’t measure how good a person you are based on how you treat people you know and care about, but by how well you care about and how well you treat people you’ve never met and who need your help.
Lay off the hallucinogens. It’s not the weekend.
That’s more like it.
it’s basically Boston if the weather was great and 40 percent of the Massholes swam in the ocean a few times a week. If the city had a mascot, it’d be a 5-foot-7-inch shirtless dude calling someone a homo as he’s being held back by a girl in 6-inch platform sandals.
Her actual words were, “He put the pills in the people...”
Jeb Bush’s smug-as-fuck look makes even Dumbya look humble.
I would hang out with Karl Rove as long as I could get within icepick range.
David Fincher is a terrible hack.
Yeah, ok. She was the real deal.
Aye, sir! That be the point!
I know, right? That fucking costume is worse than the Holocaust and World War Three and Hitler and Stalin all rolled together.
Why did you bring this upon us?