
Hello and welcome to Flygirl, Jezebel's new travel site that has nothing to do with In Living Color.

they said U2 had the best album of 2014.

It’s worth pointing out that DeRogatis played a large part in breaking the R. Kelly story, and his careful, meticulous work on that story couldn’t stand in greater contrast to Rolling Stone’s UVA piece. His work gives such a lie to Rolling Stone’s excuse — we were just too sensitive to rape victims, you guys! —

As a Cubs fan I am accustomed to waiting. Usually until next year.

It’s the only time all season the Cubs will be anywhere near number 1.

OK. If we aren’t allowed to ignore the Kardashians can we please ignore the Duggars? Hasn’t our culture been battered enough?

Wait, kids get damaged if they’re in a place where people previously had sex? Be right back, gotta chase the kids of the couch, and the bed, and the bath, aw damn, gotta buy a whole new house. But then someone else probably had sex there too. Is there nowhere that's safe for the children?

Is this appropriate?

I guess “rough sex” is the “stand your ground” for sexual-related deaths.

How do I get your job?

only if we do it doggy style so we can both watch X-Files.


answer: the correct amount

Just the right amount.

What gets me is how the numbers show that thorough, fact-based sex ed tend to result in less teen sex, not more. But so many people oppose it "on moral grounds".

Be dramatic all you want, that's effing ridiculous.