
It's becoming more and more obvious that the movie is not going to be good. The huge departure from the source material in terms of tone is obvious from the trailer, and the action shots look cheesy as all hell. It's a shame, because - despite the manufactured controversy - the casting was perfect, and it's a story

Moan, shamble, and consume the flesh of the living in peace, Mr. Romero.

No problem. Elucidation is my middle name!

He particularly objected to the notion that a character played by a gay man has to necessarily be gay himself. It offended him that the writers figured Sulu had to be gay because the guy who used to play him is gay. The change insulted him both as a gay man and as an actor.

Star Trek is literally the future socialists want to achieve. It should drive conservatives absolutely up the wall.

One of my all-time favorite shows. Thanks for doing this.

I'm still trying to reconcile all the douchebros who are calling this move "PC bullshit" with the message of inclusiveness & equality that Doctor Who has always been about. How can you be a fan of this television series and still harbor that level of negativity about people who are different than you?

I thought Colin Frissell had already gotten the job?

Yet, you're into a character who turned into a superhero after getting a blood transfusion from her cousin, who turns into a green monster because he was exposed to gamma radiation.

The only thing I remember about that show is that the maternal grandfather's name was Matthew Murdock.

Wait, were there people who didn't already know that Thomas Dekker is gay?

I'm glad she's safe and that it sounds like she's unharmed. Hope whatever the situation that led to her disappearance gets sorted out, as well, though that's not any of our business.

I want this so badly now. Damn you.

There's no such thing as "too soon" if it's what's right for you emotionally.

The War of N'tern Aggression.

One of his tweets seemed to imply that he's also hired private investigators. Hopefully, one of the many avenues that he's using to find her works out. This is every parent's worst nightmare.

Watch American Gods. Ain't so easy.

So that's how the immaculate conception happened.

For some reason, I keep misreading it as Davros, the evil scientist who created the Daleks in Doctor Who.

"Overly stylish?" You mean a movie with a distinct look, atmosphere, and theme? That's considered overly stylish?