
I can't unsee it.

I'll go for the consolation prize and adopt Annie's Boobs.

Ditto for gay men.

All these jokes stop working once you learn that the T in her name isn't silent.

Especially since they had to take ten minutes out of the episode to describe to the audience what a vagina is.

What makes it weirder is that they easily could've made this game without Rabbids. There are a slew of classic Mario enemies that would've added variety to the gameplay (goombas, shy guys, koopas, bullet bills, etc.).

Who told you about my fetish?!

I'd expect Law & Order: SVU to do an episode about this, but they kind of already did. ("Assaulting Reality" - Season 17, Episode 21)

I find it amusing that the trailer opens with a scene of Bilbo interrogating Gollum. Riddles in the Dark Continent.

The dog's name is Khaleesi. A well-deserved title for a protector of the people.

Here, have a Snickers.

And they said a woman would be too emotional to be president.

Rumor is that Terry McGinnis may be joining the Legends of Tomorrow, so that's something. Not really much of something, but still something.

Well, actually it's a lasso.

Another Midsummer Night's Dream

When DC revealed that Wonder Woman was bisexual and that virtually all Amazonians were either bi or gay, the shit fit that Meninists had was hilarious. They live on an island populated entirely by women. The fuck did you think their sexuality would be?

Nah. The cameraman was Quentin Tarantino.

Wait, how many Geigers is that? Someone get a Geiger counter.

Kat Dennings & Beth Behrs have a lot of charisma individually as well as together. Doubtless they'll move on to better things (which won't be hard, as anything's better than this shit).

On the other hand, The Avengers tanked at the box office, and all future MCU movies are of the made-for-TV variety.