
All of his masks look like something out of an Aphex Twin music video.

I know this news is exciting, kids, but control yourselves. Take only what you need from it.

I know exactly what you mean. The size & scope of the film and the themes it went for made it feel more like DLC than a full-blown sequel. The main plot is much smaller than the first film, which isn't a criticism, but the secondary villains (the Sovereign) definitely felt like a set-up for the real sequel coming in a

If you told me a year ago that a Freeform Cloak & Dagger show would look better than an ABC Inhumans show, I'd have said "Yeah, that makes sense. Wardrobe and cinematography on Freeform's shows are surprisingly solid."

Jeez. You can't even get someone imaginary to marry you? That's rough, pal.

Don't. Press ganging dine & dashers is how Cracker Barrel gets their employees.

Aww. I was really enjoying John Leguizamo's run as her co-host. After all the shit he's been in, he seemed like the only person who could properly handle having to put up with her.

The comments section on that video is about as much of a shitfest as I expected. No idea why I wandered into it.

Gaiman pictures death as a cutesy goth chick. Of course he's serious about killing himself to protect the integrity of one of his characters.

One of the worst things for a failing business is for the owners to have a source of income that helps keep that business afloat. It turns into a money pit when they'd just be better off closing shop and starting fresh with a different venture.

Other than "Bound for the Floor," the only thing I know them for is a fairly kickass cover of Britney Spears's "Toxic." Anything else they did worth listening to?

Most of the bodies the Fishers handled were people who died of old age. The deaths in the beginning were the rare, weird ones that forced them to stop & think how random the end of a life can be.

Really? I had the exact opposite opinion of her. She started out as a whiny, pseudo-rebellious teenager who was completely self-involved. When it all came to a head in the later seasons, she finally broke out of that shell and became a genuine person.

What bothered me more than Carrie's apartment was her shoe collection. A pair of Manolo Blahnik heels runs in the hundreds of dollars. To own one pair would be a luxury. To have a closet full of them - on top of dozens of other designer shoes & outfits - is downright insane for someone living on the salary of a weekly

The kid's named after a starfighter. Cut him some slack.

He hired Ben Carson to be the HUD Secretary. I mean, granted it was because it contains the word "urban." But still!

Well, my friend, let me introduce you to this magical little place called Pornhub.


Finally, a teaser that's actually just a teaser. There's not as much to digest in this one (compare this to Thor: Ragnarok), so it's not particularly satisfying, but it does build anticipation for the movie itself. It does its job.

Because without Hitler to hold up as an example as the pinnacle of human evil, someone even worse would come along and do far more damage, perhaps killing billions. Without the knowledge that a previous attempt at genocide & global domination had failed, this "worse Hitler" would be more ambitious and, therefore,