
At this point, I think it's safe to assume that Westeros ravens are magical in nature and have the ability to reach their destinations much faster than messenger birds in real life.

Wet dreams are nothing to be ashamed of, friend. We've all been there.

Spyballs Search and Destroy.


All the "I'm super duper Christian, and God wants me to run for President and stop abortions" stuff is also virtue signaling. I am but a humble amateur compared to the right and their "I love Jesus, so you love me" platform.

Yes, I imagine he'll do a lot of beating in prison.

I didn't think the A.V. Club commentariat had virtue to signal.

I typically abhor prison rape jokes, but for Martin Shkreli . . . I'll make no exception. No matter what he's done and how horrible a human being he is, no one deserves that kind of violation & torment. Though I doubt he'll learn anything during his time inside, hopefully he will, and maybe he'll reenter society a

Oy could've easily been the next Groot if they'd played it right.

I know it's kinda racist to assume an Italian person is a Mobster, but this guy's a Mobster, right?

Fox also owns "Super Skrulls," so don't expect to see them copy superheroes' powers in the film either.

Heroes' Adrian Pasdar doing literally anything to not be known as "Heroes' Adrian Pasdar" anymore.

Or "Tyler Durden."

It's all flash, no substance. However, it is 1) based on a book that is also all flash & no substance and 2) just a teaser. Certainly not outstanding, but I think you're jumping the gun a bit on "dire."

Followed by Smith - the guy who constantly rails against film critics -
reviewing movies.

He delivers product on time and under budget. That'll take you pretty far with the "profit margin" mentality of studio execs, in this case meaning Ike Perlmutter.

The new trailer looks so much better than the first one to the point that I have no idea why they even released that first trailer.

Well, remember that Arya never actually completed her training. More experienced Faceless Men can probably do it without the whole "taking off the mask" thing. It's how Jaqen could change faces so rapidly. He probably had several on that he could choose from, which is not a skill Arya ever got far enough to learn.

Oh, bother.

The series is such that it easily could've been made into a trilogy of films with each film covering two of the books (Gunslinger & Drawing for the first one, Waste Lands & Wolves for the second, and Song & Dark Tower for the third). They'd have to lose a fair bit of the narrative, but a fair bit of the narrative is