
My point still stands.

Thanks to climate change, it can be.

I didn't realize people even read the descriptions on YouTube videos.

"He's a friend from work."

There are a lot of movies that would work better as a television series. The Walking Dead is one of the few shows that would've worked better as a series of films.

We're clearly paying too much for shipping if this is the kind of shit they waste their profits on.

Nah. I believe they're just a couple degrees north of where her nipples are supposed to be. But just barely.

Absolutely. I think if they could go back to the beginning, they'd have always done the show in the serialized format with a break-up of three arcs. Most of AoS's problems stem from its formatting issues.

S4 has been top notch across the board, but it's been a long road to get the show to this level. Every episode, I expect it to do its routine dip in quality, but it hasn't happened yet. "What If" assuaged that fear in a big way.

This show has had a lot of ups & downs in terms of quality over the seasons, but this episode was definitely one of its high points. First time I can truly say "well done" about AOS and not be sarcastic.

So you're the one Susan Sarandon's been talking to.

How much $ in brain damage?

The most powerful instinctual fear built into us is the fear of being eaten by a predator. The T-Rex attack scene works so well because, through focusing on the humans' perspective, he taps directly into that fear. Spielberg had both the visual storytelling language and the technology to craft a fully-realized scene

Watching spring break models walk the runway in bikinis while Orgy and Limp Bizkit played in the background will always be a fond childhood memory.

They didn't have bourbon on the island. So sue me for daring to have a good time.

You know what else didn't need a reboot? The comments section.

"So, this guy made sure he had everything he needed before he started his camping trip in that little shack up top. Double checked his list and everything. And that's why they call it 'being Thoreau.'"

James Lipton once did.

He ruined laughing at other people's jokes & stories for me.

That boy ain't right.