
What, like Zzzquil and cat litter?

He kinda lost the "states' rights" argument when he threatened to send the military to Chicago to curb their murder rate.

. . . you think Dick Grayson is more beloved than Spider-Man and Wolverine? I mean, really? That's something you legitimately believe?

Well, he's played a superhero before on Yeun Justice.

Pirates are in this year.

All kidding aside, the fact that Frances Bean Cobain has turned out as decent & well-adjusted as she has, given her family situation is nothing short of astounding.

Fuh tha guh ow sah, hoh bah dah?

For the same reason the guys with the smallest dicks & no sex life always talk about how big and busy they are.

He's Captain America, Sara. We don't even live in the same universe. You had no shot.

The Vanilla Ice shot was clearly from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze. Get with it, man.

Did she used to be an adventurer?

Except "Cocaine," which is about sugar.

It was supposed to start production early last year, but when it came out that Powerless was much further along in development and had a full season order, they shelved it. Most Wanted not getting a full season order cemented that decision.

…black trans pansexual Muslim woman.

Is there a parallel world where the lockers that we shove nerds into are inescapable?

Well, so much for that, then.

Kinda makes you wonder if she was the one who was supposed to read the speech, but it got passed to David Harbour when she was too sloshed to do it, so she just overacted her support to compensate. That's my theory, anyway.

Her world just got turned . . . upside-down.

But they were already at the Super Bowl last year!

Wait, that wasn't Wilford Brimley?