
But how does this all tie in to Infinity War?

Even more amazingly, there are literally millions of people who spend hours every week watching sports instead of playing the sports themselves. Wild!

Donny's Choice: Fuck Tiffany and disown Ivanka or fuck Ivanka and disown Tiffany?

I really wish everyone would quit calling it a dig/diss/call-out/attack/whatever on Donald Trump. Meryl Streep was not on the offensive in any way here. She was using her moment to implore others to stand up against bullying in society. Too many are too quick to label this as some sort of jab, like she's in a Twitter

Wait a few months. You'll get your chance.

J did exist in Latin, but it was only used in numerals, and was a second form of the letter I, meaning that there was no "jay" sound in Latin.

Small price to pay for not living in Trump's America.

Forty-one years is recent? If you can make period pieces about the '50s back in the '90s (Which they did. A lot.), you can make '70s period pieces in the 2010s.

Daria and Clarisa Explains It All had distinct series finales. Doug did, as well, or at least until ABC bought it and started making new episodes.

No. Most Disney Channel shows pull out at the last second, mumble something about having work the next day, and then promptly fall asleep.

People always talk shit about aftershows, but considering the number of pre-game, mid-game, and post-game chat shows that occur every single time a sporting event airs on TV, I think I'm okay with the occasional TV show having one.

Oh, man. Did she forget to update her iCloud password again?

The one that sticks out in my mind was from the early '90s on ABC. It was the cast of Step By Step doing previews of all the coming Saturday morning cartoons. The Addams Family cartoon and Cowboys of Moo Mesa were the real standouts.

The more they've shown from Wonder Woman, the more it looks like that's finally about to happen.

You're assuming a ban from Ohio is somehow a punishment.

You joined a spin-off show that's somehow even worse than mine just to stick around. "Take a hint," my well-sculpted ass!

It's no wonder I broke up with you and left you for dead.

I'd argue that Memnoch the Devil is also a genuinely great book, mostly because Anne Rice was writing it as the final Lestat book & thus put all her effort & creativity into it.

One wonders if Mark Wahlberg is a person at all, or instead a soulless golem.

From an AMA he did: "The commenters who pointed that out are absolutely correct. I had actually always thought/known it was a Traveler accent, but a bit of hasty research before we shot turned up a piece written by Pitt's dialect coach on the film, Brendan Gunn, in which he wrote about how they started off with