
That's great, but what happened to your eye?

Kane Hodder also did the motion capture for Jason, with Tom Savini consulting on visuals. They went all-out.

She was in NBA Jam for the SNES, so that's something.

They're the main reason I watched.

In the show's defense, the A-plot of an episode of Breaking Bad was Walt & Jesse trying to catch a fly in the lab.

Oh, okay. Kirsten Dunst is friends with Sagan's daughter. For a second there, I thought he had slipped this random tidbit into an astronomy lecture or something.

But without having seen a cut of either film, no one knows whether the reshoots are for technical reasons, to bring up the quality of certain scenes (also common), or to change the film's tone/ending. You're assuming the turd rumors are true.

That's exactly what it is. After the VFX work & editing get to a certain point, some scenes or even single frames have to be reshot to bring them in line with the rest of the film. Reshoots are commonplace, and they're rarely reported on, but when they are (this, Suicide Squad, Guardians a couple years ago), tabloids

Dosh. Grab it while ya can, lads.

Ah, stick a $15,000 dildo in it.

You can get cataracts in your ass?

Speaking purely about degenerative, non-cancer illnesses, there's at least a dozen or so common causes of dementia that affect different parts of the brain. Dementia can also range in symptoms from simple memory loss or motor function problems to full-blown psychosis. Losing your mind like that is one of the worst

I still remember a skit about two guys going to a video store & renting a movie called The Crack of Dawn thinking it was a porno, but really it was just footage of a woman waking up at dawn every morning & getting ready for the day. Less "haha" funny, more "heh" funny.

I should clarify. That was my poor attempt at a joke about how the protagonist of the series is stuck in a time loop.

-22 years: The Dark Tower (2004) and The Gunslinger (1982).

Crossbones? Howard Stark? These aren't major characters?

Yup, that was it. Fruit Loops, not M&Ms. I misremembered.

He blocked me to for basically the same thing. Guy actually used one of the YouTube stars' videos of eating M&Ms out of a bathtub to shame them, to which I responded that if recordings of misdeeds barred people from entry to the White House, why'd they let him in?

So, 22 films and then whatever Kevin Smith's been doing lately.

He's also totally Asian for real, so he knows how the names are supposed to be pronounced. It's "Ong" and "Soak-uh," not "Ang" and "Sock-uh."