

That's just because Doctor Octopus has taken control of his mind.

Bill Cosby keeps dropping his Quaaludes.

Soleil Moon-Frye

Or Dorothy in the creepy-as-hell Return To Oz.

Yeah, the promotions kinda work right up until you get to General America, which sounds like the name of a thrift store.

These are the same people who let the last surviving Targaryen kids escape and are about to be faced with a dragon war. They're not exactly the perkiest tits in the HBO show, if you get my meaning.

In all fairness, they really should be.

In general, they don't. But for the MCU? They've never dealt with the sort of themes and characters that the Inhumans bring to the table. That's why Feige originally hinted that they might open up the Inhumans to be a franchise unto themselves with multiple branching films. There's nothing they do that other

Honestly, Inhumans would work so much better as a TV show. Mix together the Hogwarts-like atmosphere of the Terrigenesis training/process, the political intrigue of the royal family, and the ever-growing ensemble of characters, and it's just too much for a standalone film. It's just too bad that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Both, but I tend to divorce the comics from the live action stuff because of the various divergences (Elektra's history, for instance, is very different from her comic origin). I figured we were strictly talking movies & TV here, in which case Elektra may actually be Asian (at least, the actress certainly is).

Honestly, in all the Asian trappings of her character, I forgot that she's Greek. The character's heritage rarely comes up amidst all the sai-wielding and romantic brooding.

The thing about Marvel is that the TV division has handled the whole race & gender thing leaps and bounds better than Marvel Studios. Most people don't realize - because Marvel doesn't publicize it - that Kevin Feige doesn't run the TV side of things. He has no hand in AoS or the Netflix shows. They're connected to

"We only masturbate to The Wall Street Journal in the lobby of the Four Seasons in this family!"

That's when he crossed over into the Supergirl universe briefly.

Hey! They're not Mutants. Fox owns those, along with that ugly sort-of Mutant that never shuts up. You know the one. Bill O'Reilly.


Don't Mockingjay this, HBO!

The first comic I ever owned was a Dr. Strange comic, so needless to say I'm excited for this. I think Bendystraw Quarterback will make a great Dr. Strange. He can play the tortured-but-arrogant soul well. And the trippy nature of the trailer reassures me that they're going to do some interesting things with the

Good. Now don't let Snyder or Goyer fucking touch it.