The One True Opinion

LOL, I heard "crazy old broad" too. They really have to start choosing their words carefully with Donald. We all remember what happened in Roger Rabbit.

Where is Magica anyway? Somebody had the theory that they were saving her for something big, like a long-established character that everybody trusted would suddenly go POOF and reveal herself to be Magica at the end of Season 2 or something. That, I admit, would be awesome.

Agreed on the animation. Most of the Lucky episodes were done by Disney's Australian unit. They did amazing work on several other shows, but Bonkers looked phenomenal under them.

Goldie (as well as all the other elements in Life and Times) comes from Barks, not Rosa. Rosa took all the stories Scrooge had told about his past in Barks comics and tied it all together into one story.

It wasn't written yet. Don Rosa began his career in Duck comics in 1987, the same year DuckTales premiered.

Disagree 100%; when I got the TaleSpin DVDs I was blown away how well the show held up. I was just as entertained with it now as I was as a kid.

The problem is that TaleSpin was implied to be taking place in the past. People get all their news from radios, etc. When Disney Adventures published their epic "Chaos God" crossover, TaleSpin was the first chapter and it was explicitly set decades before the other events.

I saw a McDonalds ad last night that mentioned a new dipping sauce and the word "Szechuan" was part of it. I don't think it's the same sauce, but it's no doubt a reaction.

Haha, have you ever been there? That's a terrible place to look for advice. Many of the regulars are just there to wallow in their misery and give bad advice like "it's women's fault" and "binge eating helps a lot."

"The Simpsons: The Unauthorized Biography" by Michael Ortved is full of dirty details like this. James L. Brooks has done worse.

Not weird at all; I don't like dogs either. You have to find out if the girl has a dog before you meet the dog, though. If it's important, it's gotta be somewhere early in the conversation. That way, you only have to have one conversation, instead of two or three months followed by a broken heart for the both of you.

"I don't like cats, would you get rid of your cat for me?"
You haven't done that, have you?

They actually did do the research and consulting, and that was where they slipped up…they took every story they heard and wrapped them into one guy. People with ASD rarely have this many issues at once.

It's a common myth that four times as many people on the spectrum are male…that's probably why.

I've been avoiding Speechless because I thought it was going to be like Atypical….how do they handle that disabled kid there?

The show went live last night and I saw Episode 1. Yeah, I was afraid of this…no matter how Hollywood "means well," it can't show anything but the most extreme cases of any disorder because mild cases aren't as entertaining. It does damage, though, because uneducated people pick up on these portrayals and think "yeah,

I read the link — "openly fascist" and "anti-diversity" aren't actual terms they're proudly draping themselves in. Instead they call Google fascist for "sliencing free speech" for actions like, apparently, deleting their tasteless YouTube videos.

Glow is one of the best Netflix shows I've ever seen; I needed more.

They were already aware of this by 1985 when the reunion movie got made — there's a completely different, "liberated" Jeannie in that one.