The One True Opinion


"When you become obsessed with the enemy, you become the enemy."

Xena isn't the kind of thing that would work on NBC. Weekend syndication was better suited for it. A reboot would find its audience on a streaming service, not on the networks.

There's been a lot of it so far. To their credit Netflix has been targeting both audiences — the smart and the stupid — and succeeding with both.

I've never been more relieved to not be famous. Today you say slightly the wrong thing, even in complete and obvious jest, and the press immediately distorts it to sell outrage, and you wake up the next morning drowning in hate-tweets and five separate Ex-Gawker articles condemning your existence.

Are you….arguing with yourself?

Never forget that Mike Scully is responsible for "The Pitts."

"The network has placed a put-pilot order for the adaptation, so it’ll either pick The Jetsons up to series or pay a financial penalty for passing."

If Eternity: The Movie ends at some point, I'll sue.

Then what is the meaning of the title?

I still don't get the appeal. I know I asked someone to explain the appeal of a stupid clothes-obsessed valley girl to me before but….can someone please explain it again?

Ugh. We need more Camerons and less Donnas. And zero Joes.

"Fuck" is perhaps the most blatant example of how nonsensical human society is. It is supposedly The Most Forbidden Word In The Entire World….yet you hear it at least 500 times a day from all sides, everywhere, on every street corner.

Well, come on….no one loves to say “fuck” more than the writers of headlines on Univision-owned blog-news websites.

How can this have a community grade already? You haven't even seen it and you're giving it a C-?

They aren't worried enough. Every time I finish an excellent summer full of streaming and cable originals and check out what the networks are doing in the fall, it's more and more painful each time. I can't be alone.

Shonda made "Still Star-Crossed." It cost ABC a mint to create and ended up being so bad they had to bury it in the summer. In fact, rumor has it ABC tried to pawn it off to Netflix at a super-cheap rate and they wouldn't take it.

Stakes…..there need to be stakes.

The Turtles weren't instantaneous. Their first season was a mere five episodes; it ran as a special miniseries. The show didn't run regularly until the following year and THEN it blew up.

Actually it premiered as a weekday show in syndication. Disney had Gummi Bears going on Saturdays.