The One True Opinion

Yeah, I thought the point of the satire was more blunt and effective with the Addams Family — they're actually one of the most functional families TV has ever had, but no one could ever see past their macabre mannerisms. Usually the "normal" people they met were much worse than them on the inside. This is why Addams

Half this list:

How many do you seriously know? Asking for….a friend.

The people behind Illumination's The Taco Movie won't like that.

They already made The Secret: The Movie; it was called Tiger Town and it was a TV movie released by Disney in 1983.

I fear I don't actually want to see what the final season of Louie would be like. His kids would be grown up, he'd still be alone, and he'd be much older. It would be even darker than it is now.

"I was born in 1985"
"I was born in 1990"
I always find it depressing when people who were born later than me (and don't even remember the 80's) are already in positions higher than me. I'm a lowly commenter and look at you two up above, you DRIVE the school bus.

Any video game platformer character from the dying days of the genre. Vexx, Dr. Muto, Ty the Tasmanian Tiger…..they were totally in no one's face.

Saying 1997 was the worst year is quite a bold claim; in my opinion the 2000's boasted several years far worse. 2003 was pure evil; Nickelback was at its peak and Timberlake's "Sexyback" isn't even a song, it's just Justin talking about how great he is with a beat laid under it. The radio played both things constantly.

It would take a meteor for everyone to forget what Star Wars is.

Ho ho, yar har, Disney's stock may be dippin' but I predict the plunder of pirates be going up VERY soon!

I have no experience with Kinja as a publishing platform; I just know how it works as a commenting system, and the truth is: it doesn't.

The staff seems to be praising Kinja in the kind of unnatural manner I usually see from people being told to positively spin something or else get fired. I get the sense some of them are on our side, they just can't say so.

Hello? Rule of Threes? Foundation of comedy? Ah forget it.

Journey never left. Whenever producers need A song, nothing specific, just a song to plug into the background somewhere, "Don't Stop Believing" is the defacto choice. Has been for a long time.

Next up: Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard. As the divorce papers will state, the problems started when he made that remake of CHiPS.

So, in a way, the collapse of his marriage is a direct result of his fame.

There are no wizards, otherwise Alan Moore would have turned everybody at DC into a frog by now.

Whenever Duncan appeared on TV to evangelize Wheat Thins, I never understood what she was talking about. "They're baked, not fried, so you can eat them without feeling guilty!" But….I don't feel guilty, because fried crackers don't exist.

DuckDuckGo is out there….