The One True Opinion

Hey, I don't remember saying that….

Due to the aforementioned diversity of man there is going to be at least one bigot somewhere in every company on Earth. The only cure is to hold political requirements in job interviews that forbid alt-right people from being hired, and….that's not happening.

The tiger will most definitely be animated, actually.

Okay, no, no, wrong, WRONG.

Joke or real?

I can't remember the last time I heard the phrase "witch hunt" come from someone who wasn't guilty of something.

This is like when Domino's Pizza lopped the "Pizza" off its name so it could start selling salads or something.

The objective news sources I follow don't need to. They play something Trump said followed by the contradictory events that actually happened. There's no need for name-calling, insult-hurling, or any of the childish stunts biased media is constantly using.

Man, when was the last time Jillian was seen in public?

Weren't those all syndicated? I remember the early 90s version of Concentration for its version of Vanna, who was more of a comedienne than a supermodel and was always clowning around doing something spontaneous or hilarious every time the camera went on her. I've never seen that kind of behavior on a game show again.

Just use the voices, and do Season 2 in stop-motion!

I find it fascinating how impossible it is to watch this. Seriously.

It makes me shake my head considering how they treated that last season of 30 Rock schedule-wise, and how the final season of Parks was treated worse. Fast-forward a few years and they're putting Parks knockoffs on the air and begging for cultural relevance again.

1) yes, 2) no.

Really scratching my head over this one: "I don’t consider my beliefs about homosexuality to be mean. I consider it mean to endorse them."

Every time I read another argument in favor of biased media (which usually comes from biased media, like Vox) I think "If everybody listened to these guys, Fox News would be the norm, not the exception."

These movies have writers?

They also haven't done anything to offend North Korea or Russia, unless Putin really doesn't like Ballers.

Oh man, don't say that. You know they're going to be looking for a modern-day Collins replacement, and that pretty much fits.

I find it hard to believe dozens of Nazis tried to get through that first trap and none of them could find a solution as simple as ducking to avoid the blade.